題 名 | 住院病患對就醫選擇資訊之需求:初步調查發現=Demand for Provider Selection Information of Inpatients: Findings from a Preliminary Study |
作 者 | 謝慧欣; 鄭守夏; 丁志音; | 書刊名 | 中華公共衛生雜誌 |
卷 期 | 19:6 2000.12[民89.12] |
頁 次 | 頁437-445 |
分類號 | 419.21 |
關鍵詞 | 消費者健康資訊; 醫療服務市場; 就醫選擇; Consumer health information; Health care market; Selection of providers; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 目標:由於醫療具有高度專業性,故醫療照護市場向來存有專業資訊不對等之問題,又因市場資訊並未完全公開流通,致使醫療消費者無法在擁有充分資訊的情況下做出其最適選擇決策,導致市場的無效率。本研究欲瞭解病患在求醫前搜尋就醫選擇資訊的行為,並瞭解病人所需要的資訊內容,以及信賴的資訊提供者。方法:本研究立意選擇北部七家醫院之內科、外科與婦科18歲以上之住院病患為研究對象,以面訪方式完訪688位樣本。結果:約有43%及52%的病人在住院曾分別打聽醫院或醫師的消息,有56%的受訪者表示需要就醫選擇資訊,最需要的資訊項目,依序為醫師的專 長、醫術、及醫德等。此外,需要就醫選擇資訊的受訪病患中,有63%希望資料能以印行小冊子之方式提供,而政府衛生單位為大多數受訪病患所信賴的資訊提供者。結論:有半數的受訪住院病患,對就醫選擇資訊有需要,且表示不易獲得,政府部門可考慮未來應有系統性彙整資訊公開流通,以降低民眾之資訊搜尋成本,增進醫療服務市場之效率。 |
英文摘要 | Objectives: This study aims to understand patients' information searching behavior before selecting health care providers, and to investigate patients' need for health information needs. Methods: During the study period, patients admitted to the internal, surgical and gynecology departments of seven hospitals in north Taiwan were enrolled as subjects. A total of 688 inpatients aged 18 and above were interviewed. Results: About 43%-52% of the inpatients sought for information about hospitals and physicians. Fifty-six percent of the inpatients expressed the need for consumer health information. The top five items of information were: (1) the specialty of physicians, (2) their medical expertise, (3) their medical ethics, (4) their willingness to communicate with patients, and (5) the general information of a hospital. About 63% of those who need information preferred to receive the information via booklets, and the governmental health agency was considered the most reliable source of such information. Conclusi ons: The health authority and non-government organizations should collect and disseminate consumer health information to the public to facilitate their selection of health care providers. |