題 名 | 晚清的立憲運動=The Thought of Constitution in Late Ching Dynasty |
作 者 | 仲崇親; | 書刊名 | 國立體育學院論叢 |
卷 期 | 11:1 2000.10[民89.10] |
頁 次 | 頁1-13 |
分類號 | 627.89 |
關鍵詞 | 晚清; 立憲運動; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 我國憲政思想雖肇始於晚清,惟礙於傳統君立專制之絆繫,致成效不 彰。顧自秦漢以降,專制政體一脈相傳,接續不替,兄終弟及,父子相承,天下 蓋為一人一家所私有,視國事為一人一己之私業,國人為一姓之屬民,邦憲為一 族之家法,爵賞為一民之恩澤。其此私念,一切錮於文綱,不求因應,以至法制 僵化,吏治敗壞,民生困苦,內憂鬱積,外患憑陵。清自戊戍政變後,有識之士 皆知清政之不可救藥,舉國上下,促請立憲之聲,似空谷傳音,如響斯應。但清 廷昧放大勢,一意作粉飾敷衍之策。先派五大臣出國考察憲政;復頒布憲法大綱, 觀其內容,乃在保障君權,愚弄民意甚明。俟辛亥武昌革命軍起,清廷惶急無措, 作垂死掙扎,再公布十九信條,其精神離日憲而類英憲,即議院地位提升,君權 受抑。惜為時已晚,終不能挽回清廷覆亡之命運。誠可作後世統治者鑑。 |
英文摘要 | Early in the late Ching Dynasty, the thought of constitution in our nation had initiated butunfortunately failed to come into effect because of the burden of long tradition of absolutemonarchy. For long, the monarchy in China had been deemed as the proprietary on theruler who passed his throne only on to his offspring, father to son and the older brother to theyounger. Under the circumstance, people of the nation were subordinate to the monarch;constitution of the nation was taken as domestic discipline; and the title and emolument wasbestowed as the prevailing benevolence of the ruler. The discipline confined in thedominator's selfness did not respond to the call of society with time changing, and, as aresult, the law system came to a deadlock to cause the deterioration of bureaucracy and thesuffering of people. Troubles within and without of the country thus arose. Farsightedpeople saw the Ching government remediless since the Coup of Wu Hsu Years and the voicecalling for constitution echoed all around the nation. The Ching government aware of thegeneral trend had dealt with the situation in perfunctory manner by first dispatching fiveranking officials to investigating the constitution abroad, and then proclaiming the outline ofconstitution which was obviously set to protect the privilege of the monarch. Not until theWuchang Uprising on October 10, 1911, did Ching Dyasty felt jumpy and struggled for thelast hope by further announcing the Nineteen Code tending to Britain rather to Japan inspirit. That is to advance the level of the Parliament and suppressed the power of monarch.Although, it was too late for Ching Duasty to save from the destination of perishing, whichcould serves as the lessen for future generation. |