題 名 | 「開放」之後,九年一貫課程中教科書的再建構:以社會學習領域為例=The Reconstruction of Textbooks in the Nine-year Articulated Curriculum after Textbook Release: Reconstructing Social Studies Textbooks as Example |
作 者 | 黃譯瑩; | 書刊名 | 師大學報. 教育類 |
卷 期 | 45:2 2000.10[民89.10] |
頁 次 | 頁17-36 |
分類號 | 521.8 |
關鍵詞 | 九年一貫課程; 社會學習領域; 教科書再建構; 教科書開放; 統整課程模式; The nine-year articulated curriculum; Social studies; Textbook reconstruction; Textbook release; Models of integrated curriculum; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 臺灣教育系統中國民中小學教師的教學與學生的學習過度依賴教科書是不爭的事 實,這種對教科書依賴的現象,提醒著教育工作者在推動課程革新理想之際、一定要同 步革新建構教科書的典範,使教師與學生對教科書的這種依賴反而成為一種革新教育的 力量;雖然教育部已於民國八十五年宣告開放民編,教科書的設計與使用觀念仍未見相 對地更新、多元化的理想未能落實。本文目的即在探究教科書開放民編之後,教科書再 建構之必要性與各種可能性,並以九年一貫課程中社會學習領域為例,發展各種教科書 編輯模式與建構策略。首先,討論教科書開放民編的意義與運作狀況,以及教科書在教 育系統中的角色;其次,分析學習領域課程綱要之架構與內涵,以作為教科書教材選擇 的依據;復次,以課程統整原則與統整課程模式為基礎,發展學習領域統整模式;接著 以前述統整模式為參考架構,提出學習領域教科書的各種可能編輯模式、以及建構不同 模式教科書時之共同策略;最後,提出教科書再建構之未來展望。 |
英文摘要 | It is admitted that teachers and students in the elementary and middle school have been overdepending on textbooks while teaching and learning. This phenomenon reminds educators of renewing the paradigm of textbook construction so that such overdependence can be transferred into a power for facilitating educational changes. Although the textboik policy was released in 1996, the theory and practice of textbook design and usage however have not been relatively reconstructrd. Thus, the purpose of this paper is to probe the necessity and possibility of textbook reconstruction from the textbook release viewpoint, and reconstruct social studies textbooks as example. First, discussed are the meaning and current situation of textbook release, and the role of textbooks in the educational system. Second, the structure and content of social studies in the nine-year articulated curriculum is analyzed so as to decide the domain for choosing textbook materials. Third, constructed are four interconnected models of integrated curriculum, applied as the theoretical framework for developing the social studies textbook model. Fourthly, presented are four textbook models for social studies, and then ten strategies for textbook reconstruction. Finally, the prospect of textbook reconstruction is claimed. |