- 重組與對話:晚明小品文之自我書寫
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- 心情小品文電子書製作
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- 士兵生活適應問題、因應策略及相關變項關係之初探
題 名 | 重組與對話:晚明小品文之自我書寫=Reconstruction and Dialogue: On the Writing Tactics and Meanings of the Essays in the Late-ming Dynasty |
作 者 | 許麗芳; | 書刊名 | 國文學誌 |
卷 期 | 4 2000.12[民89.12] |
頁 次 | 頁55-73 |
分類號 | 824.2 |
關鍵詞 | 小品文; 自我; 重組; 書寫; 策略; 對話; Essay; Private; Reconstruction; Write; Tactics; Dialogue; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本文主要探討晚明小品文之書寫方式與書寫者之相關認知。主要分兩部份:(一)自我書寫之價值性-人事現實之詮釋與應對,及(二)書寫策略之凸顯-個人經驗之關注與反省,藉以分析晚明小品文作者於小品文之書寫中所呈現有關個人與環境之認知定位與處置態度,並探討此類小品文所積極書寫之個人人生經歷與此一書寫策略所提供之相關意義。相較於傳統之書寫思維與傾向,晚明小品文顯然較專注於自我經驗之陳述與記錄,且籍由此類個人遭際變遷之回憶與再次重組組織,個人之思索或反省亦於書寫過程中反覆獲得及更新,甚或獲致情感之抒發,於此,書寫活動就書寫者而言,本身即已深具詮釋意義,不待文本即得以確立,而晚明小品文專注個人事件之相關書寫表現與意義,自亦有異於傳統之書寫期許與態度。 |
英文摘要 | This paper is written to study the tactics and meanings of the essays writers in the late-Ming dynasty. The discussion is divided into two parts: the distinctive value and appearance of the writing tactics about the writers themselves in the late-Ming essays. Contract to the traditional serious thought and comment about writing, the essays in the late-Ming dynasty provide more characteristics which concern writers themselves. According to those essays, it could be found that those writers' living attitudes, writing position, and the identification. By reconstructing or reappearing their living experiences or personal histories, those essays writers could interpret themselves, and between they and theirs readers even and writers themselves have a dialogue each other consistently. From the progress of making up and writing the private events, the writers could more attentively examine their intrinsic quality, and obtain more introspection. Therefore, the essays writers could give service to themselves by being engaged in writing, and such a appearance is different from traditional expectation about writing. |