題 名 | 乳牛鹽磚配方之研究=Study of Salt Block Formula for Dairy Cows |
作 者 | 徐濟泰; 楊正彬; | 書刊名 | 科學農業 |
卷 期 | 48:9/10 民89.10 |
頁 次 | 頁269-275 |
分類號 | 437.3 |
關鍵詞 | 乳牛; 鹽磚; 乳量; 飼料效率; Dairy cattle; Salt block; Milk yield; Feed efficiency; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 因進口鹽磚並非針對臺灣現有乳牛飼養模式設計,為避免錯誤使用導致乳牛鈣磷不平衡,同時修正鹽磚含食鹽量偏高及現有鹽磚未考量正負離子平衡等問題。故本研究重新設計兩種鹽磚配方,以現有市售鹽磚為對比,進行四個泌乳牛飼養試驗,期望歸納出適合臺灣乳牛飼養模式的泌乳牛專用鹽磚參考配方。試驗一採用20頭泌乳牛,依據乳量育胎次平均分配於4個試驗處理組:處理組1為對照組,不給鹽磚;處理組2為市售鹽磚給飼組;處理組3為一號鹽磚給飼組;處理組4為二號鹽磚給飼組。試驗期為2個月,測乳量、乳成分與採食量。試驗二將試驗一的一號鹽磚與二號鹽磚原料中的苦味物質,以其他無刺激性原料取代,並且再梢加提高其食鹽含量,以圖改善兩種新配方鹽磚之適口性。仍採用GRD試驗設計,將15頭泌乳牛分配於3個試驗處理組:處理組1為對照組,不給鹽磚;處理組2為一號鹽磚給飼組;處理組3為二號鹽磚給飼組。試驗期為1個月。試驗三將試驗二的一號鹽磚與二號鹽磚,再行修飾(加入5%乾黑糖粉、添加酵田鉻),採用GRD試驗設計,將16頭泌乳牛分配於4個試驗處理組:處理組1為對照組,不給鹽磚;處理組2為市售鹽磚(為試驗一、二之市售鹽磚冉額外增加0.03%有機硒)給飼組;處理組3為一號鹽磚給飼組;處理組4為二號鹽磚給飼組。試驗期為1 個月。試驗四將16頭泌乳牛分配於4個試驗處理組,進行飼養試驗。處理組,為一號鹽磚給飼組;處理組2為-號鹽磚磨成粉狀以每頭牛每天40g混入TMR之中;處理組3為市售鹽磚(不含硒)給飼組;處理組4為市售鹽磚(含硒)給飼組。試驗期為2個月。試驗一結果,不給鹽磚的對照組試驗牛隻之乳蛋白率比給二號鹽磚組者低(p<O.05),但三種鹽磚之間表現無顯著差異。試驗二更改配方之後的二號鹽磚的試驗牛隻之飼料效率,顯著高於不給鹽磚的對照組試驗牛隻。試驗三之中,一號鹽磚試驗牛隻的4%乳脂校正乳量顯著高於市售鹽磚者達4kg之多(p<0.05)。試驗四結果整體而言,強迫給飼一號鹽磚粉組的試驗牛隻,並末顯示其預期超越鹽磚自由採食的優勢。 |
英文摘要 | The imported commercial salt blocks were not originally designed for the specific needs of dairy farmers in Taiwan, use of an inappropriate salt block may cause calcium/phosphorus imbalance. Other problems associated with imported salt block include the extreme high level of salt centers and neglect of dietary electrolyte balance. Considering all the problems adore, we designed two new salt clocks to tested in four lactation experiments in comparison to a commercial salt block in enact to fine a more suitable salt block formula for the specific needs of dairy farmers in Taiwan. Experiment 1 employed 20lactating dairy cows in a completely randomized design (CRD) experiment. Animals were assigned to four treatment groups evenly according to the individual milk yield and parity. Treatment 1 was not provided with any salt block as a control. Treatments 2, 3 and 4 were to offer a commercial salt block, new salt blocks 1 and 2, respectively. The experimental period was 2 months in length. Milk yiela, milk composition and feed intakes were monitored. Experiment 2 changed the two new salt blocks' bitter taste ingredients with other non-irritating replacement ingredients before conducting a CRD experiment of one month long with 15 lactating cows assigned to three treatment groups. Treatment 1 was a control with no salt block asses. Treatments 2 and 3 offerea the modified new salt blocks 1and 2, respectively. Experiment 3 modified the two new salt blocks' formula with additions of brown sugar and Cr-yeast, and used 16 lactating cows in a one month long CRD experiment with four treatment group. Treatment 1 was a control again without asses of salt block. Treatment 2 was to offer the similar commercial salt block as experiments 1 and 2 except of an additional 0.03% organic Se. Treatments 3 and 4 offered new salt blocks 1 and 2, respectively. Experiment 4 used 16 lactating cows assigned to four treatment groups in a CRD experiment for two months. Treatment 1 offered cows free choice of new salt block 1. Treatment 2 added 40 g of new salt block 1 powder directly into the daily ration. Treatments 3 and 4 offered the commercial salt blocks without and with Se, respectively. The results of experiment 1 showed a lower milk protein content of lactating cows in control group compared to that fed new salt block 2 (p<0.05), and no difference among all three salt block offering group. Cows offered modified new salt block 2 had a significant better feed efficiency (P<0.05) than cows in control group. In experiment 3, cows offered modified new salt block 1 has a 4 kg/day of 4% FCM than control cows (p<0.05). Experiment 4 did not show a better performance of cows fed 40 g salt block powder in force than those offered salt block free choice as we might expected. |