- 美國兒童預防接種最新的時間表
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- 認識豬疥癬病之論述--診斷的不同抗原來源、撲滅疾病之進展、澳洲之監控、治療策略和恙蟲數之過敏症
題 名 | 美國兒童預防接種最新的時間表=An Update on Pediaric Immunization |
作 者 | 戴佛香; | 書刊名 | 國防醫學 |
卷 期 | 31:4 2000.10[民89.10] |
頁 次 | 頁327-331 |
分類號 | 412.58 |
關鍵詞 | 抗原; 抗體; 抗原-抗體反應; 過敏; 超過敏反應; Antigen; Antibody; Antigen-antibody reaction; Allergy; Anaphylaxis; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 預防接種是社區個體防患流行病最有效的方法。在美國兒童預防接種時間表由小兒科學會,家庭醫師學會,及免疫實施委員會建議實施,每年均有修正,下表係最新修正內容提供參考。為使兒童出生後最易受到感染期間獲得最適當的保護作用,多數預防接種規定在2歲前施行,且除加強接種外,必須於抵達2歲時完成之。不管是醫師勸導,有些最新推薦的疫苗,如輪狀病毒、水痘疫苗,在臺灣尚未作例行使用,因為是項疫苗價格昂貴,健保未便免費供應,必須由兒童家長自已支付。 |
英文摘要 | Artificial immunization is the most effective method of specific individual and community protection against many epidemic diseases. In USA guidelines for children immunizations have been developed by the advisory of committee of immunization practices, The American Academy of Pediatrics, and the American Academy of Family Physicians. These schedules are updated annually. The chart below recommended immunizations and the ages when they should be given. The most immunizations need to be given before ages 2, in order to protect children during their vulnerable period of life, and should have been completed by the time a child reaches before age 2.In despite of doctors' orders, some of newly recommended vaccines, such as rotavirus vaccine and chickenpox vaccine, available in international market, are not to be used routinely in Taiwan, Because of these vaccines are expensive, and cannot be covered by public insurance company, unless the price to be paid by kids parents. |