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題 名 | 電信人孔內環境異常現象探討=An Investigation of Manholes with Polluted Air |
作 者 | 李昭慶; 范道明; 白志強; 林慧棻; 徐希白; 林益全; 涂元光; | 書刊名 | 電信研究 |
卷 期 | 30:6 2000.12[民89.12] |
頁 次 | 頁689-702 |
分類號 | 555.56 |
關鍵詞 | 人孔; 沼氣; 缺氧; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 根據本所調查全省環境較差之電信人孔發現,人孔內空氣異常現象主要是產生缺氧、 高濃度可燃性氣體甲烷、以及二氧化碳氣體等現象。由現場人孔空氣成分分析,沼氣是造成大 部分人孔空氣異常的主因。調查亦發現天然氣管線破裂導致氣體入侵以及耗氧性植物根部侵入 人孔內部之例子,也造成人孔內部缺氧情形,前者形成高濃度可燃性氣體,後者產生高濃度之 二氧化碳氣體,嚴重威脅工作人員安全。本篇報告主要探討人孔內主要空氣異常成分形成之原 因及改善之對策。 |
英文摘要 | Air qualities of manholes with low oxygen levels were studied. Air rich in carbon dioxide or containing flammable gases were the main phenomenon associated with these manholes. Marsh gas produced by microbe in sludge was identified as the main component of the flammable gases. Natural gas leaking from a nearby pipeline was also observed. Breathing of invading tree root in manholes was responsible for the high concentration of carbon dioxide. Methods to relieve such phenomenon and safety precautions for working in such manholes were discussed. |