題 名 | 民間傳說中的楊貴妃=The Lengends of Yang Kuei Fe--An Honorable Concubine |
作 者 | 陳麗娜; | 書刊名 | 美和技術學院學報 |
卷 期 | 18 2000.08[民89.08] |
頁 次 | 頁60-72 |
分類號 | 539.52 |
關鍵詞 | 楊貴妃; 民間傳說; Yang Kuei Fe; Lengends; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 在中國歷代名媛中,曾活躍於政治舞臺,恩寵冠蓋六宮,甚而生死成謎,其故事不僅流傳久遠廣泛,且為人們津津樂道的以楊貴妃莫屬。玄宗從「開元之治」之盛世,到寵愛楊貴妃,恩澤其家人;並寵信安祿山,遂埋下天寶之亂禍根。導致大唐朝政由盛轉衰,人們認為是一楊貴妃有密切關聯的。 從白居易《長恨歌》詩歌開始,李楊故事才廣為人知,更引發人們為之一掬同情之淚。其後文人的詩歌、雜劇、傳奇等作品,莫不以此為題材。有的對楊貴妃深表同情;有的渲染楊貴妃與安祿山的私情;有的則痛斥楊國忠專權誤國,由此可見文人們對楊貴妃不同的評價。 在民間傳說故事中,或對她的容貌體態加以形容;或敘述她的才藝機智;或寓有譏諷勸誡意味;更有與她有關的地方風物、習俗,呈現豐富多采面貌。而後來傳說故事的人物的身份有下降化趨勢;故事本身也有地方化的痕跡;故事情節也呈現由簡單到複雜的衍化過程,其中更明顯透露著老百姓愛憎好惡的道德觀,這些正是楊貴妃傳說流變的諸多表現。另外,探究其種種傳說故事,雖沒有對楊貴妃的是非功過作一明確評定,然而想透過這歷史人物的相關故事,對人們勸善懲惡的意涵則是相當明顯的。 |
英文摘要 | Among all famous ladies in the Chinese dynasties, Yang Kuei Fe is the most fabulous and renowned. In comparison to the three thousand maidens in the Six Seraglios, Yang not only won herself all the favors from Emperor Ming but also played an important role in the political stage at that time. For thousands of years, Yang's story along with her mysterious death has continued to live on. Emperor Ming, the 5th monarch of Tang Dynasty (618-906 AD), began his regime with the brilliant and dynamic Kai Yuen Reign. Nevertheless, after being bewitched by Yang and having mistrusted both Yang's family and An Lu-Shan, the great emperor ended tragically with the Tian Bau Riot. As a result, Yang was blamed for the dramatic decline of the Tang dynasty. After being portrayed in a famous poem - The Long Lasting Lamentation - by Jue - Yi Bai the story between Emperor Ming and Yang became popular. Later, the same theme was depicted in many poems, songs, plays, and legends from various aspects. Some felt sorry for Yang, some exaggerated the affairs between Yang and An Lu-Shan, while some others focused on Yang Kuo-Chung's selfish craving for power. Legends had also characterized Yang's story in rich ways. Some legends focused on Yang's physical features and figure, some described her talents and wisdom, and some others reminded people of learning a lesson from the story. Moreover, some local attractions and customs resulted because of Yang. Since legends were popular among ordinary people, not only had the imperial roles in the story of Yang been transformed into lower social strata, but the story was also fabricated more with local color and complicated scenarios. People's different opinions and moral views were also revealed through different presentations of this story. After examining various versions of the legends of Yang, the author has discovered that a definite judgment concerning Yang is lacking; yet, the theme of justice is obviously expressed in stories about Yang and Emperor Ming. |