題 名 | 中國四大美人傳說=The Lengends of the Four Renowned Beauties in Ancient Chinese Literature |
作 者 | 陳麗娜; | 書刊名 | 美和技術學院學報 |
卷 期 | 22:2 2003.09[民92.09] |
頁 次 | 頁89-99 |
分類號 | 539.52 |
關鍵詞 | 民間傳說; 美人; 西施; 王昭君; 貂蟬; 楊玉環; Folk legend; Beauty; Xi-shi; Wang zhao-jun; Diao-chan; Yang yu-huan; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 美人的身影向來是人們眼光追逐、傾羨的所在,尤以擁有「閉月羞花、沉魚落雁」之貌的中國四大美人為其中之最。然而現實當中,人們仍擺脫不了儒家士大夫傳統刻板的觀念:賢士國之寶,美女國之咎。此觀念顯然是在政治教化、道德禮法上立論,且普及個人、家、國各層面。所以不論事情紛亂的真相如何,美人往往都必須為結果負相當責任,甚至指責為罪惡的淵藪,是以常被指斥為喪家敗國的尤物。 民間傳說中的四大美人,故事中除了著墨其美貌緣由外,大多數篇章多述說其為家鄉邦國的貢獻,或嬌寵禍國行徑,其美貌描寫反退居其後,非傳誦重點。像惑吳興越的西施,在任務完成之後,人們唯恐其媚惑越王,而難兆被沉江的命運。獻身連環計的貂蟬,在離間去除佞臣有功後,亦不免一死。楊玉環更要承擔安史之亂敗朝之責,而被縊死於馬嵬。得以善終的似手只有王昭君,但終究是客死異鄉,獨留青冢向黃昏,訴說著綿綿無盡的幽情。 傳說故事中美人一開始也註定其悲劇性的角色,無論後來的形象如何轉變,她們仍是政治上的工具,而被犧牲了。美人禍水觀念下,她們的美貌不曾為其謀求更好的未來,反常遭受不堪的命運。是以在民間傳說故事中,顯然「美女國之咎」觀念仍深植人心。 |
英文摘要 | The Beauties have always captured the eyes of the people and won the admiration of all. The Four Renowned Beauties in Ancient Chinese Literature with a look that make the flower shy, were the most beautiful ladies in Chinese history. In reality the people can not get rid of the stereotype depicting the Confucian scholar: the moral scholars are a treasure and the beauties are of evil for the country. Such thoughts determined the political ideas and the moral scholars are a treasure and the beauties are of evil for the country. Such thoughts determined the political ideas and the moral behavior and reached the whole society: individuals, families and the nation. In spite of this diffuse situation concerning the historical reality the Beauties are considered to be responsible for the unlucky development of the state. They are blamed for their sin and for the deterioration of the country. Besides telling the reason for their beauty, the legend pointed out what the four Beauties had contributed to the county, but it also focused on their tricks for manipulating the Emperor. But we know only a few details about their beautiful shape. For example, one of the Beauties, Xi-shi, seduced the emperor Wu. Therefore, the emperor Yue had got the opportunity to make himself storing and to destroy the empire of Wu. After the success, the people of Yue were afraid that she could also do the same with emperor of Yue and Si-shi was thereefore drowned. Another beauty, Diao-chan, was creating a conflict between two clans struggling for the power. Thonah she had joined the party of justic, she was finally killed afterwards. Yang Yu-huan had to take responsibility for the rebellion of An-Shi against the Emperor and was hanged on top of the Ma-wei hill. Only Wang Zhao-jun had a better ending. But even she had to die in another country. Only her grave tells her contribution to the relationship between the Han-Dynasty and the Huns. In the legend, the tragic role and the fate of the Beauties were determined from he beginning. Even so their features changed, they were sacrificed as political tools. As beauty is considered a source of trouble, the Beauties cannot have a better future for themselves but suffer an unbearable fate. The assumption in the legend that "Beauties are a sin of the country" is obviously deeply rooted in the Chinese mind. |