題 名 | 資訊融入學科教學研究--以網際網路多媒體教材輔助國小英語教學為例=The Study of Information Involved into Subject Teaching an Example of Internet & Multimedia Materials to Assist Primary School's English Education |
作 者 | 孫光天; 林勇成; 陳新豐; 林守仁; | 書刊名 | 國教學報 |
卷 期 | 12 2000.07[民89.07] |
頁 次 | 頁227-274 |
分類號 | 521.53 |
關鍵詞 | 網際網路多媒體教材; 英語學習成就測驗; 英語學習態度量表; Curriculum activities; Internet & multimedia teaching materials; English learning achievement examination; English learning attitude scale; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究旨在以傳統教室學習環境為對照,探討應用網際網路多媒體教材資源於國小英語教學後,對於教師教學與學生學習所帶來的影響。本研究樣本選自台南市大港國小五年級學生,從中隨機抽取十個班級學生為實驗對象,然後隨機分派其中五班為實驗組,接受網際網路多媒體英語教材教學課程,另五班為控制組,接受傳統教學;首先進行「國民小學英語科學習成就測驗 (前測)」,再進行三個多月 (一學期)每週一節課的英語教學實驗:教學實驗後,進行「國民小學英語科學習成就測,驗 (後測)」及「國小英語科學習態度量表」。實驗結束後,由所收集之測驗結果,提出對教師教學、網路教材編製、教材實施及學生評量等方面改進之建議。 |
英文摘要 | The purpose of this study is to explore the effects of lecture activities after using the Internet & multimedia materials in the English course. In this study, students are sampled from the fifth grade randomly, and then divided them into two groups. One is called the experimental group and another is the controlled group. The experimental group applied the Internet & multimedia materials while the controlled group proceeded the traditional teaching activities. Initially, the students were done "Primary School English Learning Achievement Test (pretest)," then teachers used the Internet & multimedia materials to teach English for one semester. After finishing this curriculum, the students were done the "Primary School English Learning Achievement Test (posttest)" and "Primary School English Learning Attitude Scale". Based on these results of experiments, we proposed some suggestions for improving the lecture activities, network materials, and the assessment skills in English. |