題 名 | 運用專業判斷鑑定智障學生之研究=The Application of Judgment-Based Assessment to Identify Students with Intellectual Disabilities |
作 者 | 王天苗; 范德鑫; | 書刊名 | 特殊教育研究學刊 |
卷 期 | 19 2000.09[民89.09] |
頁 次 | 頁127-148 |
分類號 | 529.62 |
關鍵詞 | 專業判斷評量; 智障; 學校適應能力; Judgment-based assessment; Intellectual disabilities; School competence; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究主要目的有二:(1)探討運用「專業判斷」結果和以標準化智力測驗和適應行為量表結果鑑定智障學生和安置決定間的一致性;(2)探討教師對運用專業判斷評量方式決定教育安置的看法。研究樣本包括參與臺北縣特殊學生鑑定安置的477名學生及就讀臺北市國中小特殊班與資源班的244名學生樣本,另包括參與計畫的27名特教教師。以「新編中華智力測驗」、「適應行為量表」及第一階段編製之「學校適應能力量表」進行樣本學生狀況評估,另採個別或小組訪談特教教師,收集教師對專業判斷評量的看法。本研究主要結果包括:(1)老師利用「學校適應能力量表」專業判斷所得結果與依智力和適應行為兩項標準化評量所得結果間一致的比率約為96%。(2)班級教師或特殊教育教師依專業判斷建議的安置與經鑑定人員正式鑑定後決定的安置結果一致的比率約為86%。(3)由標準化測驗結果研判為智障的學生,主要顯現出在學科學習能力和成就、語言、團體生活適應、動作協調、自我照顧或身體狀況方面的多項問題。(4)特教教師對以專業判斷決定學生的特殊教育安置的意見紛歧,支持者認為憑特教教師的專業能力,由學生整體的狀況就可以做出適合學生安置的判斷。反對者則認為現實情況講求診斷類別、運用具公信力的標準化測驗較易讓家長和老師信服。 |
英文摘要 | In this study, it was intended to explore the possibility of using evaluation data based on clinical judgments rather than test results derived from standardized intelligence and adaptive behavior scales to identify students with intellectual disabilities. The subjects in this study included 477 students who were referred for identificantion and 224 students who had placed in resource rooms and special classes. Twenty-seven special education teachers who participated in this study as the assessors were also interviewed. Two standardized tests and a judgment-based assessment tools were used fro collecting evaluation data for each students subject: Chinese Intelligence Scale, Adaptive Behavior Scales, and School Competence Scale. The results of the study were as the followings: (1)Placement decisions made from teachers' judgments were found to be approximately 96% of consistency with those made from standardized test results. (2)Placements suggested by classroom teachers were approximately 86% of consistency with those decided from formal evaluations. (3)Intellectually disabled students were identified to have problems mainly in academic learning, communication, social adaptation, motor coordination, self-care, and physical conditions. (4)The interviewing data reflected inconsistent preference of assessment strategies when legal status and placement decisions of disabled children were considered. It is thus suggested that using evaluation data derived from clinical judgments to identify students with intellectually disabilities or special needs in general may be more efficient and goal-oriented to determine a child's educational placements and learning focuses. |