題 名 | 「夫言非吹也!」其為「天籟」乎﹖=The Language is not the Wind. Could the Language be 'the Voices of Nature'﹖ |
作 者 | 婁世麗; | 書刊名 | 國立臺灣體育學院學報 |
卷 期 | 7 2000.06[民89.06] |
頁 次 | 頁37-65 |
分類號 | 121.33 |
關鍵詞 | 天籟; 齊物論; 南郭子綦; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 「天籟」一詞,在<齊物論>篇中是由南郭子綦提出的,提出時與「地籟、人籟 」並舉。對於「天籟、人籟」之發生由來,分別指出是:由風吹孔竅、及由人吹管笛等發出 的聲音。但對於「天籟」便只有迂迴轉折地敘述「夫吹萬不同,而使其自己也,咸其自取, 怒者其誰邪?」其中「怒者」亦引起許多的議論。 另外,莊子在提出「言非吹也」之後指出:「言隱於榮華」便會陷入是非之糾纏;只有「不 言」始可謂之為「天府」。「言」與「籟」雖然各有所指,但都是由「空氣震動」而出現的 ;既然「不言」被莊子視為「天府」,那麼「無聲」是否是莊子所認為的「天籟」? 本文將對「怒者」究竟是「誰」?怒者對天籟有何影響?「言」背後有無主導者?這個主導 者是否就是「真宰」?牠具有何種特質?進行討論。最後希望能釐清「天籟」與「言」的關 係。 |
英文摘要 | The phrase, "the voices of Nature", (天籟) was posed by Nan-Gou Tzyy- Chi (南郭子綦 ) in the <Chi-Wuh-Luenn> (齊物論 ) section together with "sounds coming from the hollows of the forest' (地籟 ) and "the human voices" (人籟 ). And about the origin of the occurrence of "sound coming from the hollows of the forest" and "the human voice", he pointed out separately the voices from winds blowing into apertures and the voices from human playing flutes or pipes, respectively. But there are only the roundabout statement about "the voices of Nature", "The wind blows all the apertures and cause apertures themselves to decide giving out which kind of sounds; sounds are apertures decide by themselves, but it is who actually "the anger" to make the winds blows into apertures? "The 'anger' one in the statement above raises many comments and discusses. Chuang-Tse also mentioned that "The language is not the wind"; it would be sink into the entanglement of right and wrong, true and false, especially when vocabularies and sentences were taken cover or concealed by the reasons of decorating and adorning. And only "saying nothing" can be figure out as "Ten-Fu".( 天府 ) For the same reasons, whether "silence" is "the voices of Nature" that Chuang-Tse stands for or not? In this thesis the writer wants to figure out these problems: Who is "the anger" one actually? What effects is "the anger" one makes to "the voices of Nature"? What kind of characteristic does the genuine dominate behind the "speaking" have? And what is the relationship between "the voices of Nature" and the speaking? The main purpose of the thesis is trying to explain the above problems during the process of discussion, and wish to have some specific results and gains. |