題 名 | 高等教育行政服務品質衡量之研究=A Study of Service Quality Measurement for Higher Educational Administrative Management |
作 者 | 陳啟光; 蔡政和; 李元墩; | 書刊名 | 長榮學報 |
卷 期 | 4:1 2000.06[民89.06] |
頁 次 | 頁15-32 |
分類號 | 525.6 |
關鍵詞 | 服務品質; 服務品質衡量; 高等教育管理; Service quality; Service quality measurement; Higher educational management; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 針對Parasuraman,Zeithaml,和Berry(簡稱PZB)三位學者於1985年所 提出的服務品質衡量模式,在我們所回顧的相關文獻當中,發現其研究對象大部 份皆偏重於營利性服務業之服務品質衡量,對於非營利性服務業則較少觸及。因 此本文主要研究目的乃嘗試利用PZB的期望與認知對比模式及服務品質缺口模 式,來探討屬於非營利性服務業之一的高等教育行政服務品質,並建構一套可適 用於高等教育機構之系統化與計量化行政服務品質評估方式。同時針對PZB三 位學者所提出的服務品質五項構面,本文亦進一步探討其在高等教育行政服務品 質衡量的適當性。 本文以筆者所服務之大學的行政服務為實證對象,其研究結果顯示,原PZB所 提出之服務品質五項構面:有形性(tangibility)、可靠性(reliability)、保證性 (assurance)、反應性 (responsiveness)、及體貼性 (empathy),可以由四項構面: 體貼性、實體性、保證性、與反應性來涵蓋,該四項構面之累積解釋變異量達顯 著水準 (62.3%)。根據不同身份受測者之意見表達,顯示該四項構面當中,最受 被服務者所重視之構面為「服務體貼」構面。另外針對本文所探討之大學行政服 務品質,我們亦發現在不同的服務品質構面下有部份缺口存在,其所隱含的意義 在本文中有進一步的分析與討論。 |
英文摘要 | Parasiraman, Zeithaml, and Berry(PZB) proposed a service quality measurement model in 1985, and they finally concluded that there are five significant dimensions regarding to the perceived service quality. These five dimensions are tangibility, reliability, reposniveness, assurance, and empathy. In reviewing the past literatures which are concerning the serveice quality measurement, we found that most studies were i profit-oriented service industries rather than in non-profit service industries. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to apply PZB model to construct a service quality measurement instrument, which intend to combine PZB's expectation- perception model and the gap model, for higher educational administrative management. In this study, we conducted an empirical test by using three different types of subjects in a higher educational institute. Instead of the five dimensions of service quality proposed by PZB, we found that four dimensions are appropriate in measuring the service quality for a higher educational institute. They are empathy, tangibility, assurance, and responsiveness, and the total explained variances are significant, which is 62.3%. The result also revealed that the most important dimensions perceived by subjects is empathy. In particular, some service gaps were also found in this study, which showed that the administrative management in this higher educational institute still has the space to get improved. We not only have a further discussion regarding to the implications of these findings, but we also propose the ways that how service quality can be improved under this studied situation. |