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題 名 | 病歷部門人員角色壓力與組織承諾關聯性之探討=The Study of Role Stress and Organization Commitment of the Staffs in the Department of Medical Records |
作 者 | 胡庭禎; 林春華; | 書刊名 | 弘光學報 |
卷 期 | 35 2000.04[民89.04] |
頁 次 | 頁73-95 |
分類號 | 419.91 |
關鍵詞 | 病歷; 角色壓力; 組織承諾; Medical records; Role stress; Organizational commitment; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究是以醫院病歷部門的工作人員做為調查的對象,在台中縣海線區 域內之地區教學醫院以上之醫療院所,經詢問醫院之合作意願後,從中選擇五家 醫院,以實地訪問方式搜集問卷,共發出問卷113份,完成收回92份,回收率達 81.4。 在研究樣本的個人基本資料方面可知:1.研究的對象大多為女性;普遍集中在三十 歲以下且多數為未婚者;在學歷上,則大部份為專科畢業生;年資普遍多在三年以 下;每個月的薪資所得則在25,000元以下者居多。2.男性、年齡在二十歲(含)以下、 未婚者、學歷為高中職畢業、工作年資在一年以下、薪資在20,000元(含)以下的 病歷部門工作人員,其可能有較高的角色壓力。3.女性、年齡在四十一歲以上、 已婚者、學歷為研究所畢業、工作年資在十年以上、薪資在35,000元以上的病歷 部門工作人員,其可能有較高的組織承諾。4.角色壓力與組織承諾呈現負相關, 表示出有較高的角色壓力之工作者,會呈現較低的組織承諾。 |
英文摘要 | This study is research subjects focused on staffs in the department of medical records . Five hospitals in Taichung ocean-line area were selected. Questionnaires were given directly to study subjects. One hundred and thirteen were given, with ninety-two completed, which had return rate of 81.4. The study results are as followed: 1.Most of the study subjects were females; in the age of under 30; unmarried; with diploma of two-year college; under three years of working experience; and with monthly salary of under NT$25,000. 2.Male, under and including 20 years of age, unmarried, high school graduate, under one year of working experience and salary of under NT$20,000 in the department of medical records had higher role stress. 3.Female, over 41 years old, married, with master's degree, over ten years of working experience, and salary of over NT$3 5,000 in the department of medical records had stronger possibility of higher organizational commitment. 4.This study showed that role stress and organizational commitment had negative relationship. This meant that personals of higher role stress had lower organizational commitment. |