題 名 | 從臺海危機分析美國總統對華政策之演變1954∼1996=The Development of the U. S. President's China Policy, 1954-1996, from the Perspective of Taiwan Strait Crises |
作 者 | 林君成; | 書刊名 | 臺北市立師範學院學報 |
卷 期 | 31 2000.04[民89.04] |
頁 次 | 頁299-318 |
分類號 | 578.522 |
關鍵詞 | 臺海危機; 美國; 對華政策; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 史實說明美國原無意阻止中共攻佔臺灣的行動,但由於一九五○年六月韓戰的爆發而做政策上的調整。一九五四至一九九六年的四次臺海危機期間,由於美國均試圖整調與臺灣的關係,從而影響美國對華政策,美國總統的決策態度和美國國會左右對華政策及臺海局勢的發展。 本文的主要目的在探討從臺海危機分析美國總統對華政策之演變,以及各時期導致持續和改變的因素。本文採取歷史分析法,就美國總統對華政策的實踐例證,作比較並說明臺海危機發生前後的重要關鍵,進而了解危機是否為影響美國總統決策的因素。說明美國於臺海危機中更加認識到「臺灣問題」之重要,故堅持「一個中國」的政策與「和平解決」兩岸關係的原則,以符合美國利益。 |
英文摘要 | Historically, the United Sates administration did not pay attention to protect Taiwan's security against China Communist's military attack. However, since the 1950' Korean War, the United States began to seeking the possibilities of making a defense relations with R.R.C.. This study is to examine the U.S. President's China Policy during the Taiwan Strait Crises, 1954-1996. The purposes are: 1.to study how the U.S. President and Congress influenceon the policy of decision-making toward China. 2.to analyse what American have done to Taiwan during the Taiwan Strait Crises. 3.to interpret why America still maintains Taiwan's military development and This paper aims at studying the status of implementation of environmental education I elementary schools political aid without official relationship since 1979. To sum up, the resultant will be offered for promoting understanding the major facts in the future between America and the Republic of China. Through out the Taiwan Strait Crises, American administration more acknowledges 'Taiwan Issue', and even insists on 'One China Policy'. |