- 教育社會學之回顧與前瞻--臺灣的發展經驗
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題 名 | 教育社會學之回顧與前瞻--臺灣的發展經驗=Sociology of Education in Taiwan: Retrospect and Prospect |
作 者 | 湯梅英; | 書刊名 | 初等教育學刊 |
卷 期 | 8 2000.04[民89.04] |
頁 次 | 頁107-133 |
分類號 | 520.1354 |
關鍵詞 | 教育社會學; 師資培育; Sociology of education; Teacher education; Disciplinary construct; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 學術領域的認定與內涵的界定,實際上是關乎文化創造,並涉及一種社會性的建構,也就是說,一門學科所研究的範團、方法和內容等架構,其實並不是固定不變,而是由其所屬的學術社群逐漸形塑、建構的。台灣的教育社會學是源自於歐美國家,但卻在台灣的歷史文化及教育學體系內開展出來的,無可諱言,台灣的發展在西方學術霸權的陰影下,不容易走出本土的獨特性,而在台灣社會文化的脈絡下,尋繹教育社會學的定位、內涵,或許是確立教育社會學學科架構,推展本土教育社會學研究的首要之務。因此,本文以一般教育社會學發展的概況為出發點,以檢視、回顧教育社會學在台灣社會的發展經驗,尤其著眼於師資培育制度變革與教育社會學發展的關聯,進而探究台灣教育社會學發展的困境,最後,對台灣教育社會學的未來提出研究議題的建議。希望藉由教育社會學發展的相關議題釐清,描給台灣教育社會學術領域的大致形貌,而有助於教育社會學的未來開展,無論是本土化或國際化的研究。 |
英文摘要 | From the perspective of social construct, sociology of education developed as a unique discipline is constructed by academics who make contributions to the discipline under Taiwan's history and social milieu. This essay is, in an indigenous sense, to explore some issues on the sociology of education by examining the development of the discipline in Taiwan. Firstly, the author examines the common trends of the sociology of education in general with the understanding that the trends, are overshadowed by Western or even American cultural hegemony. Some issues emerge from investigating the development of the sociology of education in Taiwan. Published textbooks, essays and dissertations are employed in the reviewing process of different paradigms in the development of the discipline. The main concerns articulated include: 1) the subjectivity of the discipline in Taiwan by borrowing ideas exclusively from Western or mainly American societies, and 2)the enormous impact of teacher education under the political and ideological influences. From this, the author suggests that it is of importance to recruit more scholars and researchers from education, sociology or other fields working together to enlarge and enrich the field of the sociology of education in Taiwan. Finally, some suggestions of research topics are proposed which include: reflecting on the issues of indigenization and internationalization, developing a feminist praxis in the discipline, constructing the relationship between education and society from the perspective of informal education. It is hoped that the efforts made by the academic in Taiwan will eventually make unique contributions to the academic community of the whole discipline. |