題 名 | 臺灣地區推動期貨市場發展之執行評估研究=Evaluation of the Implementation Efforts in Developing Taiwan's Futures Market |
作 者 | 劉祥熹; 范松清; | 書刊名 | 經社法制論叢 |
卷 期 | 25 2000.01[民89.01] |
頁 次 | 頁95-129 |
分類號 | 561.76 |
關鍵詞 | 期貨市場; 政策評估; 因素分析法; Futures markets; Policy evaluation; Method of factor analysis; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 公共政策乃是政府機關為解決某項公共問題或滿足某項公眾需求,決定作為或不作為,以及如何作為之活動。期貨市場則是結合了自由市場與政策規範而形成的集中交易市場,具有移轉價格風險、發現合理價格、提昇經濟效率、加速資本形成、緩和物價波動等經濟功能。為了充分發揮期貨市場經濟功能,並能有效調和公益與私利,政府透過公共政策的制定來影響期貨市場運作也就相對重要。 從國外期貨交易法規規範期貨市場運作,到政府為發展亞太金融,邁向金融自由化與國際化,大力推動臺灣期貨市場發以來,已歷經四年多光景,有必要對政府期貨政策施行情對成效加以評,以供政府四單位未來在政策修正與評估時,能獲得參考依據。本研究建議當前政府應擴大「證券投資人服務與保護中心」功能、加速與中央銀行溝通,推動匯率與利率期貨商品發展、加強行政程序法理念之落實、進行執行評估工作、強化政策執行監測機能,適度給予業者合理自律權限,建立良好溝通管道,提高參與者對政策執行的順幅度等。對期交所建議釐清本身定位、提昇期貨專業形象、持續加強育宣導工作等。 |
英文摘要 | Public policy can be viewed as whatever governments choose to do or not to do, and how to do some activities in order to resolve public problems or satisfy public needs. Futures markets integrate the contents of market mechanism and policy regulations, therefore, it can contribute the following functions such as price risk-transfer, price discovery, promoting operational efficiency and capital formation, smoothing commodity price fluctuations, and etc. To harmonize the public benefits and private interests, it is important to constitute public policy which dealing with the operations of futures markets in Taiwan. Toward the financial liberalization and internationalization, it has been 4 years to promote the development of Taiwan futures markets, since we introduce the Foreign Futures. Trading Law and build the Asia-Pacific Financial Center. It is necessary to evaluate the performance of the government activities on the development of Taiwan futures markets. The results of evaluation indicate that the related departments of government would enhance the following activities: speeding the communication with Central Bank, increasing the volumes of exchange and interest futures into the futures markets operation, strengthening the evaluations of the plan-do-see process for operating futures markets, providing good communication channel and some reasonable self-regulation power tot the participants and etc. in addition, the position of Taiwan Futures Trading Institute, the professional skill of futures trading among participants and educating their concepts relating to futures trading also need to emphasize. |