題 名 | 美國初任教師輔導制度之分析=A Study of Mentoring System for Beginning Teachers in the United States |
作 者 | 蔡清華; | 書刊名 | 國立中山大學社會科學季刊 |
卷 期 | 2:1 民89.春 |
頁 次 | 頁79-102 |
專 輯 | 教育專題 |
分類號 | 522.2 |
關鍵詞 | 美國; 中小學初任教師; 輔導教師; 初任教師研修; USA; Beginning teachers; Mentor teachers; Mentoring; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 我國現行師資培育法即將送立法院修正,通過之後目前為期一年的教育實習制度將予取消,改設初任教師研修制度以提昇中小學教師之專業素質,於是負責初任教師輔導工作的輔導教師就顯得極為重要。本研究之目的即在探討美國實施初任教師輔導制度之現況,作為我國今後規劃相關制度之參考。 本研究採取文獻分析的方法,首先蒐集美國近年來實施初任教師研修制度之法令與研究文獻,其次再依輔導教師之理想特質、甄選標準、甄選方式、培育課程與教學、職責與任務、專業發展、評鑑、待遇等項目進行分析,其能對美國初任教師輔導制度有一較深入的了解。 最後,本研究再依據分析的結果提出八項問題與啟示,供我國未來實施中小學初任教師輔導制度之參考。 |
英文摘要 | The Teacher Preparation Law is now under the process of amending in the country’s Legislature Yuan. Once the law amended, the one-year intern of teaching practicum will be canceled and will be replaced by the installation of the in-service training system for the beginning teachers. In that case, the role of mentor teachers will be far more important than that now, the purpose of this study was to explore the various aspects of mentoring system of teachers in the United States. The study conduct literature review in order to achieve the aims. Firstly, the researcher collect related documents concerning mentoring system; then the analyses were conducted according to the ideal characteristics, selection criteria, model of selection, curriculum of training, duty and tasks, professional development, evaluation and salaries. The study tried to grasp the basic figuration of mentoring system of teachers in the United States. Finally, the study proposed eight suggestions for the planning of future mentoring system of beginning teachers in this country. |