- Generic Interpreter--Training in an Integrated and Simulation Model
- A Structured Decomposition Model of a Non-Language-specific Interpreter Training Program
- Linguistic Challenges of Subtitling and Coping Solutions
- The Implementation and Development of a Subtitling Program Using the Decomposition Model
- Coaching Undergraduate Students to Interpret at an International Conference--A Case Study
- A Case Study on Interpreting Skill Teaching--Shadowing
- Using English Songs as Supplementary Materials in the Interpretation Class
- Knowing and Doing Gap--Consecutive Interpretation and Simultaneous Interpretation Training in Classroom Setting Environment and Student Performance Evaluation of Conference Interpretation
- 同步口譯的口語特性與電視新聞閱聽感受及收看意願的關聯
- Computer Assisted Interpreter Training-- A Case Study
題 名 | Generic Interpreter--Training in an Integrated and Simulation Model=混合語言口譯員訓練--統合模擬模式 |
作 者 | 陳聖傑; |
書刊名 | 文理通識學術論壇 |
卷 期 | 3 2000.01[民89.01] |
頁 次 | 頁57-76 |
分類號 | 818.7 |
關鍵詞 | 口譯; 同步口譯; 翻譯; 逐步口譯; 口譯員訓練; 課程設計; Interpreter-training; Simultaneous interpretation; Consecutive interpretation; Conference interpretation; Translation; Program design; |
語 文 | 英文(English) |
中文摘要 | 本文介紹一個混合語言口譯員訓練實驗課程,在這種訓練裡,教師與學生的工作語不同,共通工作語只有一種,而且學生來自不同的口譯與語言背景。例如,Schweda-Nicholson(1984)曾經為美國聯邦調查局設計並教授了一個混合語言口譯課程,學生工作語八種,英語是教師與學生之間唯一共通工作語。 作者1997年春季在美國德州大學奧斯汀校區設計本混合語言口譯員訓練課程,並且在該校的PCL圖書館研討室教授本課程,它是作者選修的"口譯員訓練"獨立研究(independent study)的一部份,指導教授Fritz G. Hensey是該校口譯及翻譯教授,也是當地著名的法庭及會議口譯員。他扮演監督者、觀察者、和參與者的角色、與學生打成一片。本文探討本訓練計劃在執行上牽涉到的事項,包括:招生方法、混合語言口譯員訓練模式、本課程所使用口譯器材與別種口譯器材的比較、監督口譯品質、口譯員訓練重要概念、及口譯員訓練項。 本文指出混合口譯員訓練課程的重要,並且評估在大學實施的可行性。本論文的目的是提供口譯研究者訓練學生時一個可以複製的教學模式。 本訓練計畫經過修改後曾經寄交美國西南部一所社區大學,審核、通過、並且淮許作者教授該課程、在課堂上收集資料完成一項研究計劃,這課程是該社區大學成立以來第一個口譯課程,且成為該社區大學的主流課程。 |
英文摘要 | In the fall semester of 1997, I offered an informal semester-long pilot course on generic interpreter-training supervised by Professor Friz G. Hensey, a professor of translation/interpretation, conference interpreter, and certified court interpreter, at the University of Texas at Austin (UT). The purpose of this course was to explore an integrated simulation model and related parameters with a view to teaching simultaneous interpretation to students of different language and interpretation backgrounds in an academic setting. In generic interpreter training the instructor shares only one working language with the students of the course. Generic interpreter raining was introduced by Schweda-Nicholson (1994), who helped design and implement a curriculum for training Asian refugee mental- health-interpreters in the United States. The languages involved were English, Hmong, Vietnamese, Cambodian (Khmer), and Lao. English was the only working language that students shared with the instructor. Schweda-Nicholson had also trained consecutive interpreters for the FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation) which involved using eight languages in one class, and she had also trained members of the London based Institute of Translation & Interpretation. She concluded that generic interpreter-training could be successful if instructors and students could work together well. In the pilot course that the author taught at the UT, students were speakers of three different languages, who shared the common working language, English, with the instructor. There were also Chinese speakers who shared two working languages with the instructor. This paper introduces student recruitment and aptitude tests suitable for generic interpreter training, the integrated training model, comparison of message transmission, monitoring, important concepts of interpreter training, and training tasks. Finally, the paper points out the importance of generic interpreter training and assesses the feasibility of transferring the pilot course to an academic setting. A revised version of this program was implemented in a community college in the southwestern United States in the fall of 1998 (Chen, 1999). The interpreter-training course has since become a mainstream course at the college, which had never offered an interpreter-training course before. The purpose of this paper is to present an interpreter-training model for future researchers to replicate. |