題 名 | 我國原住民電視臺公共問責機制的研究與想像=Imagining Accountability System for Taiwanese Indigenous Television Station |
作 者 | 王亞維; | 書刊名 | 廣播與電視 |
卷 期 | 37 2014.12[民103.12] |
頁 次 | 頁35-62 |
分類號 | 557.77 |
關鍵詞 | 原住民族; 原住民族電視臺; 問責機制; TITV; Indigenous media; Accountability system; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 我國原住民族電視台(以下簡稱原視)成立於2005年,由政府出資委由民間媒體經營,2007年再依法轉交公共電視文化事業基金會(以下簡稱公視基金會)辦理,成為公共電視基金會的成員台之一。2009年原住民族文化事業基金會(以下簡稱原文會)成立後,經過政治力積極介入下,2014年開始取代公視基金會,成為原視的治理機構,自許為「自主營運」以有別於過去。 在公共電視台(以下簡稱公視)之外,原視也為我國第二個以政府預算捐助的基金會所經營的電視媒體。雖然兩者營運經費均來自全體納稅人,但是公視有特別法《公共電視法》明確規範設置目地、董監事會的組成、權責並詳述財務來源與稽核、頻道定位、節目內容、獨立經營、電波配屬與觀眾申訴等,其目的為向公民社會負責,並具有法定的強制性。原視成立主要依據為《原住民族教育法》與《原住民族基本法》,但作為電視傳播媒體,其營運方式並無法律明文規定,未來如何對公民社會負責?又應該如何對族群負責?尤其媒體的獨立性與公共性並無法律加以保障,更為急迫的議題。 本研究希望藉由檢視原視創設歷程與治理機構轉變中出現的問題,歸納出未來潛在的危機與挑戰,並參酌國外類似的原住民電視台經營理論與實踐的經驗,希望提出可能的經營建議與設計,期裨益原視永續經營並對族群與公民社會負責。 |
英文摘要 | The problem of privatization of public interests in the Taiwanese Indigenous Television Station (TITV) has become an increasingly serious issue and a challenge that the current indigenous/non-indigenous civil society has to face. Being a public media of minority, it has been suffered from the intervention steered by wrestles between political parties and government agency since its inauguration in 2005 and enrollment in 2007 as a member of the local public broadcasting system (TBS). In recent years, both the ruling party and the opposition party tended to put their interests ahead of the public media and exerted intense political intervention towards TBS and TITV. In order to maintain their influence, the legislators from different party members increasingly pressed upon the performance of public media, infringing upon public interests and undermining the professionalism and independency that civil society has appealed for years. TITV was pushed to be separated from TBS mainly due to the force from the indigenous congressmen from ruling party. It has re-established as an independent broadcaster from January 1st 2014 without any concrete media related law to protect and regulate its performance, which makes TITV totally exposed to every possible harm ever since. It is extremely important to draw up a new indigenous media law and develop the sustainable operation modle for TITV at the same time. This research examines media accountability theory and its application among major indigenous broadcasters around the world, thus provide the infrastructure basis for the imagination and design of the indigenous media accountability mechanism in Taiwan. |