- 維他命C攝取量的基準與建議
- Inhibition of 2-Aminofluorene Acetylations by Vitamin C in Monouclear Leukocytes of Spregue-Dawley Rats
- 我所知道的維他命C
- 維他命C之功能
- 維他命C與健康
- 養豬飼料中樹薯,維他命C和較濃厚食料之角色和影響
- 維他命C 與疾病的關係
- Sonophoresis with 20% L-Ascorbic Acid and 2% Kojic Acid Gel for the Melasma Patients
- Down-regulation of Superoxide Dismutase Gene Expression in Cultured Rat Aortic Smooth Muscle Cells (A7r5) after Long-term Incubation with Vitamin C
- Effect of Vitamin C on Amino Acids Profile in Burned Rats