- 家蠶軟化病及硬化病之新研究
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題 名 | 家蠶軟化病及硬化病之新研究=Study of Flacherie and Muscardine Disease on Silkworms |
作 者 | 陸錦標; | 書刊名 | 中華農學會報 |
卷 期 | 27 民48.09 |
頁 次 | 頁75-83 |
關鍵詞 | 家蠶; 硬化病; 軟化病; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 1. 家蠶所習見之蠶病不外10餘種,根據歷年統計,以軟化病、膿病及硬化病三者為最,其被害程度,平均年佔96.73%以上,其餘各種不過合佔3.27%。 2. 此三種主要蠶病之病理通說:軟化病係生理障害後為細菌所乘虛而入。膿病病原係濾過性病毒。硬化病則係黴菌所寄生,其防治方法並已大白於世。 3. 軟化病危害最大,往往釀成災害,在軟化病之研究已漸達止境之今日,1952年日本長野縣大場技師在不結繭蠶中腸圓柱狀細胞之細胞質中發現有膿病病原多角體之存在。翌年,並由熊本縣栗栖技師證實,外觀呈軟化病病蠶之中腸腸壁中確有多數多角體之發現。一時?起研究,被害情形,相當嚴重,官方對此遂統一命名為中腸型多角體病。 4. 膿病權威學者石森博士,在1934~1935年對此已曾有所報告,並分膿病為三型:(1)多角體生於表皮細胞、脂肪組織、氣管膜、血球及環繞血液細胞之細胞核內,而不侵入腸壁,是為體腔型多角體病。?普通所謂膿病。(2)多角體生於腸壁圓柱狀細胞質內,?中腸型多角體病。(3)綜合以上兩種為全身型多角體病。但石森博士當時之(2)(3)兩型係屬較少之例外,而大場技師近年來對中腸型多角體病之再發現,則顯有在各地劇烈蔓延之趨勢。石森博士復曾與?澤氏同樣發現中腸型多角體有立方形者,接種數代,皆不變形,多角體似亦可能發生突然變異。 5. 大場技師分析軟化病之被害實例:一為基因於稚蠶共育之缺憾,形成早期的集團性發生,是為普通軟化病。一為個人的習慣性之軟化病,其發生較遲,但實際上與普通軟化病不同,有強烈之傳染病,?為中腸型多角體病。 6. 栗栖技師之調查:外觀上軟化病94%膿病6%,如以體液及中腸加以鏡檢,以檢查其多角體之有無,竟發現應變更為軟化病36%膿病(多角體病)64%。 7. 其他各方面之研究文獻甚多,蠶病學者三谷博士等曾分析多角體與普通軟化病各種細菌間之複雜關係,可類別為八種,又歸納為三型:(1)為純粹之中腸型多角體病,約佔32.1%。(2) 為除中腸型多角體外,有併發性的普通軟化病常見細菌之繁殖,約佔54.2%。(3) 為除中腸型多角體外,兼具體腔型多角體,亦有普通軟化病常見細菌之繁殖,約佔13.7%。 8. 軟化病之研究,近年來顯由細菌學的範疇,突然轉變為濾過性病毒之新境界。日本官方現除由試驗機構分工合作作全面性之追究外,更委託各地權威學者做專題研究。 9. 1958年東大有賀教授對濾過性病毒之研究,亦有有關中腸型多角體之報告。渠就該病夏秋期顯較春期多發之點觀察,認為環境不良既可誘發本病,則其病原在健康蠶體內早經存在,此說與本年國立蠶試高見技官所發表蠶兒在胚胎時期已經有相當數中腸型多角體可以檢出一說相符。且渠對育成抗病性蠶品種甚感興趣,根據多年實驗心得,渠以為:(1)抗病力有遺傳性。(2)抗病性之遺傳子在一個以上。(3)抗病性除染色體外,尚與自母娥至蠶卵之細胞質有關。因此渠乃擬定該病之對策,除蠶室蠶具之消毒、飼料環境之改良、及病蠶殘渣等之慎重處理外,對育成抗病性蠶品種及注意一年間蠶種保護過程二點,尤值注目。 10. 硬化病之病原、病徵及防治方法等均已臻明確,在理論上為最易控制之蠶病,但事實上年年仍有莫大之損害,日本國立蠶絲試驗場青木博士對此重行研究,迭有重大新知見發表,致硬化病之傳統的防治技術因此改觀。 11. 普通對硬化病之預防,必先於養蠶開始前施行嚴格的蠶室蠶具之消毒。有謂硬化病菌之生存力達2~3年者,經實際調查,證明各種黴菌均各有不同,硬化病菌之生存力意外短促,尤以白殭病菌在普通情形下不過生存五、六個月而已。 12. 硬化病最有效之防治手段為蠶體消毒,但其施行之時期,一般書籍均一律列明為蠶座中發現硬化病蠶1~2頭時為最適。但各種黴菌各有其不同之潛伏期,白殭病菌最短,僅3~5日,每齡都可發病,稚蠶壯蠶,均有發生。綠殭病菌最長,每至寄生後之次一次齡使呈外觀上之病變,收蟻寄生, 三齡發病,以稚蠶期之寄生為多。黃殭病菌則成白殭病與綠殭病之中間性,壯蠶較難寄生。故白殭病之蠶體消毒須每齡隨時行之。 13. 硬化病之蠶體消毒既各有其一定適期,則在早期識別殊有必要。普通均謂硬化病蠶發生病變之時,蠶體各處現黑色病斑。實際上殊有區別:白殭病蠶發現於病蠶皮膚各處,其色甚淡,如被油浸,頗不易發覺。綠殭病蠶發現於腹部、?、體側及背部等處,形大色黑,一見便知。黃殭病蠶形小而數多,但發生於氣門者則為大形之病斑。 14. 常識上均謂硬化病之傳染源來自野外昆蟲,青木氏於1936~1950年間實際調查家蠶及其他昆蟲25種之病例77,717頭,發覺家蠶被害最大之白殭病,野外昆蟲,竟無發現。黃殭綠殭,雙方均有。赤殭則發生於蠶兒之害蟲蠁蛆。而尚有病原性極為強烈之新黴菌,殊有進一步擴大調查之必要。 15. 硬化病防治技術之新研究,尚有:三谷氏等對新農藥Phygon 有效之報告。服部氏對高度漂白粉以木灰為增量劑可以加強藥效之試驗。桑野氏之PMF加工紙,青木氏之防黴紙,均以西藥生稀釋液浸製,但藥效久暫尚未獲致定論。最後,青木、三谷兩氏分別對利用硬化病菌作為防治森林害蟲一事進行研討,並以維護養蠶事業之立場,提出必須慎重之呼籲。 |
英文摘要 | Flacherie, Muscardine and Grasserie are the important diseases of silkworms. Of which over 95 percent of silkworms were infected. The recent studies on these diseases have changed the general conception and the technique of silkworm diseases control. It was known that bacteria is the cause of flacherie infestation, virus the muscardine and fungus the grasserie. However Mr.OUBA found that the causal organism of grasserie disease had presented within the wall of intestine of the flacherie infected silkworm in 1952, the tendency of spread was serious, the disease was named as " midgut polygon organism" after serval investigations and studies. According to the references, only few cases of the above said polygon organism reported by Dr. ISHIMALI in 1934. However it becomes a serious disease problem and it has damaged to the silk production since that time. Dr. KULIS found that it was 94 percent of grasserie and 6 percent of flacherie among the diseased silkworms through observation, but it was changed into 36 percent of flacherie and 64 percent of polygonal organism after carful investigation. Dr. SHITARNI studied the complication between modified organism and flacherie organism and found that there are 3 type include 8 species of causal organisms among these mutated colony. Prof. ALIGA have been engaged to the study of inheritance of resistibility of the disease and its control method. In order to consider the question in its true aspects, anatomy histology, bacteriology, immunio-serology, physical chemistry, physiological and genetics are applied for foundamental study in recent years. Botrytis bassiana, Nomuraea pracina, Isaria farivosa etc. are known having same causal organisms and symptoms, therefore, disinfestation of infected worms have been used as the control nethod in all cases of muscardine disease. DR. AOUKI has different theory about the study of muscardine disease: the incubation period of fungus vary with various species, the incubation of Botrytis bassiana is 3 to 5 days, each stage of worms could be attacked. Nomuraea pracina parasites the early stage worms, but the symptom shows up not before the 3rd instar larvae. The length of incubation period of Isaria farinosa is in between of Botrytis bassiana and Nomuraea pracina. So that, according to their incubation period DR. AOUKI suggested that the disinfection of Botrytis diseased worms should take place each instar. Early examination is necessary for disease prevention. Many new insecticides such as phlygon, ceresan and the manufacture of mould proof paper have been tested for its control measures. Insect was said to be source of muscrdne disease, the use of its causal organism as forest pests control may put into consideration. |