- Comparison of [fee6]Tc-Methoxyisobutylisonitrile Scintimammography and Ultrasonography in the Diagnosis of Primary Breast Cancer--A Preliminary Report
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題 名 | Comparison of [fee6]Tc-Methoxyisobutylisonitrile Scintimammography and Ultrasonography in the Diagnosis of Primary Breast Cancer--A Preliminary Report=比較鎝-99m-Methoxyisobutylisonitrile乳房造影及超音波用於診斷原發性乳癌--先期研究 |
作 者 | 林昆儒; 閻紫宸; 卓世川; 李志明; 高潘福; 蔡名峰; 曾凱元; | 書刊名 | 核子醫學雜誌 |
卷 期 | 12:4 1999.12[民88.12] |
頁 次 | 頁165-170 |
分類號 | 416.226 |
關鍵詞 | 鎝-99m-MIBI乳房造影; 超音波; 電腦斷層造影; 乳癌; [fee6]Tc-MIBI scintimammography; Ultrasonography; SPECT; Breast cancer; |
語 文 | 英文(English) |
中文摘要 | 目的:本先期研究的目標在於評估鎝-99m-methoxyisobutylisonitrile乳房造影(MIBI SMM)用於早期診斷中國婦女的原發性扎癌,並與超音波比較。 材料與方法:共包括38例臨床上診察有乳房腫塊之病人,皆拖行MIBI SMM及超音波檢查。任一組平面或電腦斷層造影、早期或晚期MIBI SMM有聚積MIBI者判為陽性,超音波則依Lister論述區分為低、中、高三組可能性。以上結果皆與細針抽吸組織細胞及或外科切片結果作比較。 結果:所有38位病人裡,沒有一位MIBI SMM陰性的病人為惡性。在超音波為低可能性組裡,有一位真陽性病人且為MIBI SMM診斷為陽性。在超音波為中可能性組裡,有三位真陰性病人且為MIBI SMM診斷為陰性。在超音波為高可能性組裡,MIBI SMM的診斷正確率為百分之百。MIBI SMM在三組超音波分組病人中的敏感性為百分之百;而特異性在超音波低、中、高可能性組裡分別為90%、60%以及100%。 結論:本研究結果顯示對於中國婦女有可觸性的乳房腫塊時,一個輔助性的MIBI SMM多有助益。在超音波中、高可能性組病人中,一個陰性的MIBI SMM有助於減少不必要的開刀切片手術。在超音波低可能性組病人中,一個陽性的MIBI SMM可以幫助早期診斷孔房惡性腫瘤。 |
英文摘要 | Background: The aim of this preliminary study was to evaluate the contribution of technetium-99m methoxy-isobutylisonitrile scintimammography (MIBI SMM) in early diagnosis of primary breast cancer in Chinese women and to compare the results with ultrasonogra-phy (US). Materials and Methods: A total 38 patients with clinical palpable breast mass (es) after physical examination was included in this study. All had MIBI SMM and US studies. MIBI SMM was considered as positive if there was any MIBI accumulation in prone planar and/or SPECT images in either early or delayed studies. The US patterns were classified in low, indeterminate, and high probability groups according to the criteria of Lister et al (Clin Radiol 1998;53:490-492). The results were then correlated with fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) and/or surgical biopsy. Results: In all 38 patients, none who showed negative MIBI SMM had malignancy. In the US low probability group (21 patients), one true positive was found with MIBI SMM. In the US indeterminate probability group (7 patients), three true negatives were found with MIBI SMM. In the US high probability group (10 patients), the diagnostic accuracy of MIBI SMM is 100%. The sensitivity for MIBI SMM in all three US probability groups was 100%. The specificities for MIBI SMM in the US low, indeterminate and high probability groups were 90%, 60%, and 100%, respectively. Conclusion: Our study showed that an adjuvant MIBI SMM study is very useful for Chinese women with a palpable breast mass (es). In the US indeterminate and high probability groups, a negative MIBI SMM is useful to reduce unnecessary operations, In the US low probability group, a positive MIBI SMM can help in early diagnosis of breast malignancy. |