題 名 | 茄子「高雄一號」品種之育成=Development of Eggplant cv. "Kaohsiung 1" |
作 者 | 黃賢喜; 戴順發; 韓青梅; | 書刊名 | 高雄區農業改良場研究彙報 |
卷 期 | 10:2 1999.06[民88.06] |
頁 次 | 頁32-50 |
分類號 | 435.271 |
關鍵詞 | 茄子; 新品種; 耐熱; 青枯病抗性; Eggplant; New variety; Heat tolerance; Bacterial wilt resistance; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 為改善本省現有栽培品種屏東長茄耐熱性差,高溫期間果皮著色不良及不抗病蟲之缺點,高雄區農業改良場於民國77年秋作,以國外引進具生長勢強、抗青枯病、品質佳之高雄系一號為母本,與果型長、耐熱且果皮著色性佳之PI164811號為父本進行雜交,並歷經十年之選育試驗,所選獲優良品系高雄育41號,於87年4月提出登記命名,經農林廳命名小組審查通過,正式命為茄子〝高雄一號〞(商品名稱:紅娘),准予推廣。〝高雄一號〞具豐產、果型長直、果色亮麗紫紅、外觀與食味品質均佳、良果率高、耐熱及耐青枯病等優良特性。在兩年七處地方試驗結果,〝高雄一號〞平均產量比對照品種〝屏東長茄〞增產15.6﹪,果長及良果率亦比對照品種分別高出3.8cm及2.5﹪,對青枯病之反應在各檢定結果呈中感至中抗級,果實薊馬危害程度亦較輕,耐熱性強,尤在高溫期間果皮著色性佳。本品種缺點為初期生育及早期產量均較屏東長茄略差,果徑略小,平均果重稍輕,每一花序小花數稍多,須適時疏果。 |
英文摘要 | Currrent eggplant cv. ‘Pintung Long' has low heat tolerance, the fuit color during warm reason is not as bright as in cool season. It has no resistance to major disease and insects 'Kaohsiung 1', tested as 'Kaohsiung yu 41', was developed from a 1988 cross of 'Kaohsiung acc. 1' × 'PI 164811' by pedigree method. 'Kaohsiung acc. 1' is selected for its vigorous growth, resistance to bacterial wilt and good fruit quality. PI 164811 has long fruit, heat tolerance and good fruit color. 'Kaohsiung 1' has been tested throughout various variety trial and regional tests and it was approved by the name in April of 1998. The commercial name of it is 'Red-Bride'. The new variety 'Kaohsiung 1' is high yielding with straight long fruit in good color and eating quality. It yields more than cv. 'Pingtung Long' by an average of 15.6%. It has high percentage of good fruit and good tolerance to both warm season and bacterial wilt. The fruit length and rate of good fruit increased by 3.8cm and 2.5% respectively as compared with that of 'Pintung Long'. The reaction to bacterial wilt was rated as moderately susceptible to moderately resistant. The damage of thrips was less prominent. This new variety fruited in good purple-red color even during high temperature period, indicating its beter heat tolerance. However, it fruited less than 'Pintung Long' in early cool season , with thinner and lighter fruits. It tends to bear more than one fruit per node. It is necessary to thin the fruit in time. |