題 名 | 人工長日處理及生長抑制劑處理對盆菊株高之影響=Effect of Artificial Long-Day Length and Growth Inhibitors on the Height of Potted Chrysanthemums |
作 者 | 陳錦木; | 書刊名 | 桃園區農業改良場研究彙報 |
卷 期 | 38 1999.09[民88.09] |
頁 次 | 頁10-14 |
分類號 | 435.435 |
關鍵詞 | 盆菊; 人工長日處理; 生長抑制劑; Potted chrysanthemum; Artificial long-day treatment; Growth inhibitor; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本試驗主要探討盆菊摘心後電照長日處理天數及生長抑制劑處理對盆菊株高之影響;在長日處理天數試驗中以多花型盆菊「卡瑪」和「幸明」為參試品種,「卡瑪」無長日處理株高21.7cm最矮,25天長日處理者達43.2cm,理想的株高比例以10天處理株高26.4cm最佳「幸明」生長勢較旺盛以直接短日處理株高26.6cm比例最理想。在不同生長抑制劑中,克美素CCC3465ppm噴施後約一星期於葉片周圍出現焦枯藥害症狀,不宜施用;而B9 2500 ppm處理矮化抑制效果最佳,其平均株高10.5cm、展幅25.4cm、花徑9.36cm均低於其他處理,且延遲開花約3~5天。唯就盆菊之品質而言,宜以噴施巴克素為宜,至於濃度經利用多花型盆菊「霓紅」為參試品種,於摘心後側芽長3~5cm時分別以6.25ppm、12.5ppm、25ppm、50ppm四種濃度噴施處理並以噴水為對照,噴施後10天再噴施一次,結果顯示,使用巴克素控制盆菊株高,濃度以6.25ppm~12.5ppm為最佳。 |
英文摘要 | The experiments were conducted to study the effect of the long-day length treatment and application of different growth inhibitors on the height of potted mum. Two mum varieties 'Kama' and 'Theme' were used in the long-day treatment experiment. The results showed that the plant height without a long-day treatment was the shortest at flowering was 21.7 cm, and long-day treatment with 25 days was 43.2 cm for 'Kama'. The plant height treated with 10 cycles of long days was about 26.4 cm and was more suitable for growing in 5-inch pots. For 'Theme' the plant height without long-day treatment was 26.6 cm and could be matched to grow in 5-inch pots. In the experiment of spraying different growth inhibitors, it was found that at 7 days after spraying with the CCC applied at the concentration of 3465 ppm caused the necrosis of leaιedge. The growth inhibitor CCC could not be used as a chemical for controlling mum plant height. The best result of shortening plant height was obtained by spraying 89 at the concentration of 2500 ppm. The average plant height of 10.5 cm、plant width of 25.4 cm and cluster diameter of 9.36 cm were also obtained by treated with 89 and which were lower than those obtained in other treatments. Plants treated with 89 were delayed in flowering time by 3-5 days. Spraying PP333 could improve the plant height of mum flower. PP333 sprayed at the concentrations of 6.25 ppm and 12.5 ppm at the stage of after pinching with emergence 3-5 cm length of lateral bud could effectively control plant height. |