題 名 | 水稻有機栽培對稻米品質之影響=Effects of Organic Culture on the Grain-Quality of Rice |
作 者 | 李健捀; 陳榮五; 陳世雄; | 書刊名 | 臺中區農業改良場研究彙報 |
卷 期 | 63 1999.06[民88.06] |
頁 次 | 頁31-47 |
分類號 | 434.111 |
關鍵詞 | 水稻; 準有機栽培; 純有機栽培; 稻米品質; Rice; Oryza sativa L.; Intermediate farming; Organic farming; Rice quality; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本試驗目的在比較長期施用化學栽培、準有機栽培及純有機栽培,對稻米品質之影響。綜合三年六期作試驗結果顯示,使用菜籽粕做為有機質肥料,二期作準有機及純有機栽培之糙米率及完整米率,均顯著低於化學栽培者,不利於水稻之碾米品質;一期作準有機及純有機栽培之糙米率及完整米率,則與化學栽培者相同。二期作準有機栽培之白米粗蛋白質含量,高於化學栽培者,且凝膠展延性亦較劣於化學栽培者,將不利於烹調及食味品質,一期作準有機栽培之白米粗蛋白質含量,雖然高於化學栽培者,但因其凝膠展延性與化學栽培者相同,因此其烹調及食味品質與化學栽培者相同,兩期作水稻純有機栽培,雖然其白米粗蛋白質含量,均高於化學栽培者,但其凝膠展延性均優於化學栽培者,因此具有較優之烹調及食味品質。試驗結果亦顯示,化學栽培或是有機栽培,並不是決定白米直鏈澱粉含量高低的主要因子。兩期作水稻準有機及純有機栽培,均以台稉 9號具有較高的糙米率與完整米率,較低的白米粗蛋白質含量,及較優的凝膠展延性,因此具有較優的稻米品質。 |
英文摘要 | Field experiments were conducted to investigate the effects of intermediate and organic farmings on the grain-quality of five rice cultivars, i.e., Tainung 67, Taichung 189, Tai keng 6, and Tai keng 9 of Japonica type, and Taichung sen 10 of Indica type. The experiments were done from 1995-1998 during the first and second crop. Three kinds of farming were compared in field experiment, namely: a)conventional-chemical fertilizers and pesticides; b)intermediate-half of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, half of organic fertilizers; c)organic-organic fertilizers. Rapeseed meal was used as source of organic fertilizers. Experimental results revealed that during the first crop, intermediate and organic farming showed no significant difference on brown rice and head rice percentage compared to conventional farming. On the other hand, the intermediate and organic farming showed significantly contributed to lower brown rice and head rice percentage were noted on the second crop. It was also noted that during the first crop, intermediate farming showed a higher crude protein content, but the same gel consistency as compared to that of conventional farming, thus no difference was noted in the cooking quality. Intermediate farming showed a higher crude protein content and lower gel consistency than that of conventional farming in the second crop, thus producing poor cooking quality. Organic farming showed a higher crude protein content and gel consistency as compared to that of conventional farming in the first and second crop, thus resulted in better cooking quality. Experimental results also showed that farming method did not influence amylose content. Tai keng 9 has higher brown rice and head rice percentage with a lower crude protein content and higher gel consistency in the intermediate and organic farming, which produced a better rice grain quality. |