題 名 | 從使用者觀點探討古文書及檔案之使用:以平埔研究人員為例=Exploring Information Use of Historical Records and Archives: From the User's Point of View |
作 者 | 林珊如; 李郁雅; | 書刊名 | 大學圖書館 |
卷 期 | 3:3 1999.07[民88.07] |
頁 次 | 頁65-80 |
分類號 | 028 |
關鍵詞 | 使用者研究; 資訊需求; 資訊搜尋與使用行為; 詮釋資料; 數位圖書館; 自然探究法; Use studies; Information needs; Information seeking; Information use; Digital libraries; Metadata; Naturlistic inquiry; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 隨著全球網際網路的發展與成長,國內許多文化機構紛紛計畫在網路上提供中文的資訊內容,政府方面也正朝向鼓勵發展數位博物館或電子圖書館的建置計畫。最早在台大發展的數位圖書館與博物館計畫「平埔探源」,其最終目的是要將台大圖書館中稀有的館藏與人類學系的獨特藏品加以數位化,以創造更有利的學術研究環境。對一個想要支援學術研究群體的數位圖書館,這些學者或研究人員將如何使用這類數位圖書館,特別是如何與獨特的資訊內容互動,是一個十分重要的議題。本文為筆者於臺灣地區從事台灣史料使用者資訊搜尋與使用研究之部份結果,針對古文書與檔案,探討平埔研究人員於真實的日常工作情境 中的運用情形,並探討此一研究結果在資訊組織與檢索上的應用。 |
英文摘要 | As a part of the national effort towards developing digital libraries, the NTU DL/M project has the initial goal of digitizing the scare historical records of Taiwan collected in the National Taiwan University Library, and some special collections from the Department of Anthropology, such as maps, photos, and articles of ethnic Taiwanese groups. These collections are raw materials valuable to the research community. But how those scholars or researchers make use of such a DL, especially how they interact with the information provided, is an important issue that has not been addressed. This paper reports the study of Taiwan research scholars, their tasks, activities and interactions with various resources. The results reveal why and how those scholars apply the tacit knowledge to their activities in order to acccomplish their tasks and in their use of resources such as historical records. Implications for system design and information organization are also discussed. |