- 建築物公共安全暨消防法規之知識庫專家系統
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題 名 | 建築物公共安全暨消防法規之知識庫專家系統=A Knowledge-Based Expert System for Fire Inspection and Protection of Buildings |
作 者 | 姚乃嘉; 李俊憲; 李坤穎; | 書刊名 | 建築學報 |
卷 期 | 31 1999.12[民88.12] |
頁 次 | 頁133-148 |
分類號 | 575.872、575.872 |
關鍵詞 | 建築公共安全; 消防安全; 法規正規化; 專家系統; 物件導向; Building safety; Fire safety; Code normalization; Expert systems; Object-oriented; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 目前政府針對建築物的防火安全使用提出「建築物公共安全檢查簽證 及申報辦法」,做為日常檢查以維持建築物安全使用之依據。但安全檢查牽涉的 法規條文眾多,使得檢查時易因不熟悉法規而滋生困擾。因此,本研究分析目前 消防安全相關法規條文之特性及內容並結合物件導向程式之架構,提出一套將法 規轉換為法則(法規正規化)之程序,並配合決策樹的建立,發展一套「建築物公 共安全暨消防法規知識庫專家系統(Fire Inspection and Protection Expert System, 簡稱FIRES)」,用以輔助專業安全檢查人員進行檢查,並提供一般民眾進行日常 自我檢查的參考工具。 |
英文摘要 | The Government has issued several acts such as "Building Public Safety Inspection Code" for fire protection of buildings. Since building fire protection codes are complex and are usually interrelated in various decrees, the inspectors have difficult time to properly apply them to various situations. This research aims to establish a fire inspection and protection expert system (FIRES) using object-oriented programming and knowledge-based expert system techniques. The decrees in each related code are represented in objects. Regulations in the decrees are represented by constraints and thresholds in the objects, while corresponding actions are represented by methods in the objects. Together with the objects, IF-THEN rules are also employed to form the knowledge base. Thus, the system is able to computerize the complex fire protection codes for fast queries to facilitate fire protection inspectors when performing their inspection tasks. The system can also serve as a reference tool for general publics to perform self-inspections. |