- 九○年代以巴關係之分析
- 從國際法析論以色列復國與中東形勢之演變
- 以色列占領區之巴勒斯坦人抗爭對中東和平之影響
- 族群、衝突或人權:以巴關係書評[評1.Ellis, D., «Three Wishes: Palestinian and Israeli Children Speak» (Toronto, ON: Groundwood Books/Douglas & McIntyre, 2004) 2.Barakat, I., «Tasting the Sky--A Palestinian Childhood» (New York, NY: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2007) 3.Tolan, S., «The Lemon Tree: An Arab, A Jew, and the Heart of the Middle East» (New York, NY: Bloomsbury, 2006)]
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- 衝突降低與爭端解決:以九0年代以、阿和談為例
題 名 | 九○年代以巴關係之分析=An Analysis of Israeli-Palestinian Relations in the 1990s and Their Prospect |
作 者 | 朱張碧珠; | 書刊名 | 政治科學論叢 |
卷 期 | 11 1999.12[民88.12] |
頁 次 | 頁127-143 |
分類號 | 578.1935 |
關鍵詞 | 以色列; 巴勒斯坦; 美國; 以巴關係; 以巴和解; 納坦亞胡; 中東; 九○年代; Benjamin Netanyahu; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 九○年代,以巴關係呈現的不定、戲劇性變化。一九九一年,波灣戰後,美強力主導中東國際和會召開,開啟以巴和平談判之門。一九九三年至一九九五年,雙方快速達成多項重要協議,以巴關係出現美好前景。然而一九九六年,排斥和談之以色列納坦雅胡政府成立後,以巴關係立即陷入低潮。納坦雅胡政府強硬政策及因此引發之流血暴力衝突,是以巴和談陷入僵局的主要原因。及至一九九九年,主和之以新總理巴拉克上臺後,以巴關係復又出現轉機。展望未來,以巴和談雖然仍多變數與困難,但衡諸當前世局,有利以巴和解。換言之,繼續推動以巴和平進程,對以巴美三方均有實質利益。未來以巴關係發展,實賴相關各造作出明知抉擇。 |
英文摘要 | The Israeli-PLO relations underwent dramatic changes in the 1990s. After the conclusion of Gulf war in 1991, the peace talks between Israel and PLO turned a new page, thanks to the United States iniative. From 1993 to 1995, the two parties reached a number of important agreements. As a result, then the prospect for peace looked bright indeed. In 1996, when Benjamin Netanyahu of the Likud Party came to power in Israel, the Israeli-PLO relations dipped to a new low. The harsh policies adopted by the Netanyahu government toward PLO and the resulting bloody violence led to stalemates with regard to the peace talks between the two parties. When Ehud Barak replaced Netanyahu as the Israelo Prime Minister in 1999, the Israeli-PLO relations took a promising tura. Admittedly, there exist a variety of variables in the Israeli-PLO peace process, However, a review of current world situations indicates that there is reason to be hopeful. Specifically, to keep the peace process going is in conformity with the national interests of Israel, PLO and the United states. Apparently, the future of the relations between the Israel and PLO is hinged upon the wisdom of the leadership of the relevant parties. |