題 名 | 救護技術員使用手套及口罩之現況與影響其使用之因素=Attitudes, Behavior and Variables Influencing Use of Gloves and Gauze Mask among Pre-hospital Care Providers |
作 者 | 紀志賢; 莊淑芬; 李欣玲; 王世敏; 蔡良敏; | 書刊名 | 中華民國急救加護醫學會雜誌 |
卷 期 | 10:4 1999.12[民88.12] |
頁 次 | 頁157-162 |
分類號 | 419.52 |
關鍵詞 | 全面性防護; 救護技術員; 口罩; 手套; Universal precaution; Emergency medical technician; Gloves; Gauze mask; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 目的:本研究的目的是探討目前本地區救護技術員使用手套及口罩之現況與影響其使用之因素,以作為未來改進緊急醫療救護使用防護措施的依據及參考。方式:以臺南市消防局從事到院前救護工作之外勤人員為對象,利用自填式問卷調查方式,以了解救護技術員使用手套及口罩之現況與影響其使用之因素。結果:救護執勤時戴手套的比例(一定戴、經常戴佔75%)明顯高於(p<0.05)戴口罩的比例(一定戴、經常戴佔13.3%)。造成不戴口罩的原因包括:病情不需要(60%),造成呼吸困難(27%),口罩供應不足(14%),造成眼鏡模糊(l3%)等。不戴手套的理由包括:病情不需要(45%),使救護作業較困難(18%),降低手部感覺(觸覺)(13%),手套供應不足(7%),造成手部不適麻木(3%)箏。統計分析發現執動時會戴手套的救護技術員較年輕(36.5 ± 7.4vs, 40.4 ± 9,6 歲,mean ± SD, p<0.05),也對於是否暴露於危險的生物體液的環境之認知較為關切。結論:大部份的救護技術員出勤時會利用手套做防護措施,但是只有少數人員會戴口罩。年齡以及對於感染控制的認知可能是影響救護技術員是否使用手套的因素。建議對於較年長的救護技術員應進行更多宣導教育,並且研擬出一套針對到院前枚護防護的標準以及較符合現實的規則。 |
英文摘要 | Objectives: To evaluate the attitudes, behavior and variables influencing use of gloves and gauze mask among pre-hospital care providers. Design: A questionnaire survey. Participants: 130 Tainan City's firefighters. All of whom are currently practices pre-hospital care. Results: 120 of 130 firefighters returned the questionnaire. The percentage of firefighters’ regularly using gloves was 75 % and gauze mask was 13.3 %. The reasons for not using gloves were: believing protection were not necessary (45%), inconvenience (18%), decrease the sensation of hand (13%), supplies unavailable (7%) and discomfort and numbness of hand (3 %). The reasons for not using mask included: believing protection was not necessary (60%), respiratory discomfort (27 %), supplies unavailable (14%) and fogged glass (13%). Pre-hospital care providers who showed concern about the risks from the blood and body fluid exposure were likely to use gloves (p<0.05). Of the pre-hospital care provider surveyed the average age of those who use gloves regularly was younger than those who do not use of gloves regularly. (36.5 ± 7.4 vs. 40.4 ± 9.6, mean ± SD, p<0 .05) Conclusion: Among pre-hospital care providers, the use of gloves was more frequent than the use of gauze masks. Concern about the risks from blood and body fluid exposure as well as age may be the contributing factors affecting pre-hospital care providers'use of gloves. We suggest additional training, especially for senior prehospital care providers, to raise awareness of the risks from blood and body fluid exposure as well as developing and implementing protocols, concerning the use of gloves, masks and additional protective attire. |