- 有害(或不明)事業廢棄物遭任意棄置稽查處理技巧之探討--以宜蘭縣環境保護局處理石綿及集塵灰為例
- 資源回收再利用技術重金屬污泥
- 利用微藻處理燃油集塵灰廢液之重金屬
- 利用超臨界流體去除鋼鐵業集塵灰中污染物之研究
- 重金屬與公害問題
- 由鎘及鉛存在形態來探討萃取法及電動法土壤復育效率
- 表面塗裝材料中可溶出重金屬鋇來源之探討
- Chlorides Affecting the Speciation and Partitioning of a Single Heavy Metal in a Waste Incineration Process
- 利用蔗漿開發無公害紙漿成形紙餐具
- 以不同消化方法探討本省南部及東部農業區與都會區數種土壤中重金屬含量及其存在形態的差異
題 名 | 有害(或不明)事業廢棄物遭任意棄置稽查處理技巧之探討--以宜蘭縣環境保護局處理石綿及集塵灰為例=The Inspection and Treatment Techniques of Arbitrarily Discarded Hazardous or Uncertain Enterprise Wastes--A Case Report of Asbestos and Condensed Fly Ash Treatment by Environmental Protection Bureau, I-Lan County |
作 者 | 鄒燦陽; | 書刊名 | 復興學報 |
卷 期 | 1999.12[民88.12] |
頁 次 | 頁27-36 |
分類號 | 445.844 |
關鍵詞 | 集塵灰; 回收再利用; 重金屬; 公害; 痛痛病; Condensed fly ash; Recovery and reuse; Heavy metals; Nuisance; Itai-itai disease; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本報告係本局自民國八十八年元月廿三日起至民國八十八年三月廿六日止, 針對 媒體報導及民眾陳情舉發之有害(或不明)事業廢棄物遭不肖廠商任意棄置,恐有污染環境 及危害人體健康之虞,遂採取緊急應變措施,迅即找出污染源並依法嚴懲,以及責其限期清 除處理,以遏止不肖廠商任意棄置之歪風,有效維護生態環境。綜觀本次處理情形如下:一 、石綿有害事業廢棄物,並非如舉發人所述棄置於冬山河中或垃圾場內,經清除業者指證, 該有害事業廢棄物尚可做為建築基地填方材料,故民國八十六年以前該石綿廢棄物係棄置於 生產石綿產品之雄觀公司廠內, 壯圍鄉濱海公路(臺 2 省道)大福加油站後方海邊沙丘以 及龍德工業區內貴人企業社新建基地上等三處,而八十七年以後則棄置於五結鄉濱海公路( 臺 2 省道)與利興三路交叉口附近建築基地內; 二、集塵灰有害事業廢棄物,係由本縣貨 運業者於載送石粉原料至苗栗縣通霄鎮建順煉鋼股份有限公司,於返回時再運送該廠所產生 之集塵灰,棄置於本縣冬山鄉境內所致。 |
英文摘要 | From January 23 to March 26, 1999, media reports and public petitions revealed that the hazardous (or uncertain) enterprise wastes arbitrarily discarded by unworthy firms might pollute the environment and endanger public health. The Environmental Protection Bureau of I-Lan County, then took emergency processes, discovered the origin of the pollutant quickly, issued a strict punishment to the firms, and ordered them to clean the wastes in a short period of time. This process set an example for the treatment of arbitrarily discarded industrial waste which could effectively prohibit the unworthy firms from discarding hazardous wastes and protect the environment. The processes of this treatment were illustrated in this report. Firstly, the hazardous asbestos waste was not discarded on the riverside of Dungshan River or dumping ground. The clearance company indicated that the industrial waste could be used as filling materials for construction bases. Therefore, before 1997, the asbestos wastes were deposited in Hsiung-Guan Factory where the asbestos was produced, the sand dune behind the Da-Fu Gas Station on the Coastal Highway (2nd Provincial Highway) at Zhuangwei Town, and a new construction base of Guei-Ren Company in Lung-der Industrial Area. After 1998, the asbestos wastes were deposited at a construction base near the intersection of the Coastal Highway and Li-Shin Third Road. Secondly, the condensed fly ash was the byproduct when processing the raw materials of stone powder from I-Lan County. The stone powder was transported to Chien-Shun Steel Company at Tung-Shiao Town, Miao-Li County, where the stone powder was processed, and the condensed fly ash was transported back by freight transportation companies. The condensed fly ash was deposited at Dung-Shan Town. |