題 名 | 臺灣生技產業環境發展之探討--以製藥產業為例=The Research of Taiwan Biotechnology Industrial Development on Biopharmaceuticals |
作 者 | 張瑞芳; 邱彬舜; | 書刊名 | 高雄科學技術學院學報 |
卷 期 | 29 1999.12[民88.12] |
頁 次 | 頁329-349 |
分類號 | 418.41 |
關鍵詞 | 生物技術; 生技製藥; SWOT分析; Biotechnology; Biopharmaceuticals; SWOT; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 21世紀生技產業將逐漸取代資訊電子。而成為此一世紀最具發展潛力的產業之一,根據經濟部工業的區分標準,生物技術產業可區分為﹕1.生技醫藥產業,2.生技農藥產業.3.生技食品產業,4.生技特用化學品產業,5.生技環保產業,6.生技服務類。本文主要探討生技製藥產業。生技製藥技術之範圍相當廣泛,包含下列四個重點:1.醫藥生物技術.包括基因治療,生物晶片及生物材料。2.新藥開發技術3.動植物生物技術及4.中草 藥開發技術。經本研究探討,發現國內製藥業之市場太小、公司規模小、研發費用高,藥政相關法規肖欠完善,缺乏研發、製劑、法規及國際行銷等人才,因此影響投資意願。政府對於製藥與生技產業未來幾年之發展,應:1.加速醫藥品查驗中心審查新藥的速度,並落實OLP、OCP之實施,2.持續增加政府研發經費之投入,整合並充分發揮學術及研究機構能量,3.訂定一個公平合理,且能夠激勵跨國藥廠來台投資之藥價政策,4.積極推動國家型生技與製藥訐畫,5.加強將國內研發成果落實產業界,6.企業加強國際技術移轉。 |
英文摘要 | Twenty- first Century will become a biotechnology era. Taiwan government has been supporting developing biotechnology for the last decade. Biotechnologies have found specific applications in such industries as: 1. Food innovations/food processing, 2. Healthcare/Pharmaceutics, 3. Fermentation technology, 4. Animal agriculture, 5. Plant agriculture/Crop improvement, 6. Diagnostics, 7. Energy and environment. This article is concentrated on biopharmaceuticals. According to the research, we got the following suggestions to government and firms: 1. Government should speed up establishing the medical drag clinical try center to examine new drags to implement GLP and GCP, 2. Government should continuously increase R&D. budget and devote some effort to domestic drags research to improve production capability.. 3. To make reasonable price for biopharmaceuticals encourage foreign biopharmaceuticals to come Taiwan to invest, 4. To improve the national biotechnology and biopharmaceutical programme, 5. Enforcing to transfer the international biotechnology to Taiwan. |