題 名 | 戰和兩難的抉擇:臺灣軍事現代化的困境與前景=Caught in a Dilemma between War and Peace: Difficulties and Future Scenario for Modernizing Taiwan's Military |
作 者 | 張友驊; | 書刊名 | 思與言 |
卷 期 | 37:4 1999.12[民88.12] |
頁 次 | 頁59-145 |
專 輯 | 現代國家專號 |
分類號 | 591.88 |
關鍵詞 | 軍事現代化; 臺海安全; 精兵主義; 兵力結構; RMA; Military modernization; Taiwan strait security; Elite fighting force principe; Military force structure; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 有關軍事現代化問題,自軍事事務革命(RMA)理論提出後,內涵已發生實質的變 化,對世界各國建軍備戰也產生決定性影響。 本文依據RMA脈絡發展,探討RMA與軍事現代化之間關聯性,從而提出未來建軍兵力指標。 循此原則,分別剖析臺、以、日三國於軍事現代化進程中所遭遇的問題。得出結論為,以、 日因戰略規劃(判斷)明確,統合了作戰思想,建軍程序之間的問題,使未來發展獲得正確 指導方針。唯獨臺灣因戰略規劃不明確,造成三軍本位主義的爭論,導致延誤軍事現代化的 進程。 臺灣進行軍事現代化還遭遇到一個難以解決的問題,即是中國軍力的堀起。由於中國對臺戰 略的多變,為防獨促統,中國運用優勢兵力對臺實施軍事威懾,誘發臺海局勢動盪,為臺灣 安全投下變數。 臺灣面對中國軍事威脅,如何突破軍事現代化困境,於戰和兩難抉擇中發展前景,以軍事實 力維護國家生存利益,已是臺灣進行軍事現代化進程中,必須深思的課題。 |
英文摘要 | The RMA theory of a revolution in military affairs has undergone substantive changes since it was proposed in regard to problems of military modernization. This has had decisive influence on the military preparations and war planning of nations around the would. This study examines the connections between RMA and military modernization according to the developmental logic of RMA and proposes future indices for building military strength. In accord with this principle, it examines and analyzes problems encountered in the process of modernizing the armed forces of Taiwan, Israel and Japan. It concludes that with correct strategic planning (judgement)on the part of Israel and Japan resolved procedural problems between war planning and building up their armed forces, thereby allowing the formulation of correct guiding principles for future development. However, lack of correct strategic planning only in the case of Taiwan resulted in each branch of the three branches of the armed forces protecting its own turf and delayed the progress of military modernization. Taiwan has encountered another difficulty to solve problems in the process of modernizing its military unit-the arms buildup by China. Many changes have taken place in China’s strategy toward Taiwan to prevent a declaration of independence and to encourage unification. China is making use of its superiority in military power to pose a credible military threat to Taiwan and induce instability in the Taiwan Strait. This has created some variables for Taiwan’s security. As Taiwan proceeds to modernize its military, it must give considerable thought to how it can overcome its military modernization difficulties while facing the military threat from China, and, while caught in the dilemma between war and peace, create a developmental scenario whereby it can use military might to protect the national survival and interest. |