題 名 | 韓國的中等教育與大學入學制度=Korean High School and University Entrance System |
作 者 | 詹卓穎; 胡令珠; | 書刊名 | 教育研究資訊 |
卷 期 | 7:6 1999.11[民88.11] |
頁 次 | 頁85-101+a9 |
分類號 | 524、524 |
關鍵詞 | 高等學校平準化政策; 教育熱; 大學入學制度; 學校生活記錄; The equalization policy of high schools; Extraordinary fever; University entrance examination system; Life and personality guidance; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 韓國之教育政策與升學機制在西元1945年光復以來,歷經五十餘寒暑,在全國人民“教育熱”之殷殷期盼與各界的批判、檢討聲中屢經改革。反觀國內之教育政策,在教育部與教改團體的相互激盪下,雖不斷創新,卻也紛擾不斷。 本文將介紹韓國中學校、高等學校教育在其學制上的地位及目標,與其制度變遷過程,並其對韓國眾多學子造成的影響。另外,將敘述韓國大學入學制度之歷史背景,以西元1945年至1996年,共分成9個重大時期之變革;最後以1997年韓國最新大學入學制度為實例,說明此制度下選拔考生之方式與各項參考因素。 |
英文摘要 | Korea high school and junior high school education policy and grade Promotion mechanism has undergone the following four phases: (1) Admission to junior high sans examination, (2) high school Equalization policy, (3) the July 30th education policy implementation, And (4) the high school institutional were reordering policy. These four Phases have resulted in a comprehensive educational system that exercises A profound influence on Korean education and students. Extracurricular Examination preparation has also improved somewhat. We also know that The many reforms and adjustments to the Korean university entrance Examination systems from 1945 to 1997 are the crystallization of wisdom Of the Korean educational establishment and society as a whole. Nonetheless, competition to enter national universities and elite schools, which is as intense as it is in Taiwan, deserves further reflection. |