- 聲光信號對反應時間影響之研究
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題 名 | 聲光信號對反應時間影響之研究=The Effect of Auditory/Visual Signal to Response Time |
作 者 | 鄭世岳; 江昇修; | 書刊名 | 嘉南學報 |
卷 期 | 25 1999.11[民88.11] |
頁 次 | 頁191-200 |
分類號 | 528.901 |
關鍵詞 | 聲音; 光亮; 反作用時間; 動作時間; 反應時間; Sound; Light; Reaction time; Movement time; Response time; Error rate; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 聲音及光亮對人之刺激型式不同,其產生之反應亦有差異,聽覺刺激比視覺刺激 的單一反應時間大約快30一50ms,而選擇反應時間的結果卻相反。除了刺激型式會影響反 應時間外,控制開關的配置及手的運動方向,亦會影響反應時間及失誤率。 本研究以三種音頻及光色產生目的信號,要求受測者接收信號後立即採取控制行動,量 測其反作用時間及動作時間。信號來源採電腦程式控制,由音響喇叭發出聲音或電腦螢幕顯 示光亮。聲音信號以250Hz、1000Hz及4000Hz三種頻率之純音為音源。光亮信號以紅、黃、 綠三種光色為光源。控制開關標以「低」、「中」、「高」來控制250Hz,1000Hz及4000Hz之聲 音切斷。標以「紅」、r黃」、「綠J來控制紅、黃、綠三種光色信號切斷。由電腦以程式控制 隨機發出一聲音信號或光亮信號,受測者先將手置放於某一定點,當信號出現後受測者手離 開定點,此段時間稱反作用時間(reaction time;狹稱之反應時間),由電腦計時。從手離開 定點移至控制開關並做控制動作之時間稱動作時間(movement time)亦由電腦計時。反作用時 間加動作時間等於反應時問(response time)。本研究之受測對象以18一25歲之大專學生為 主,男、女各25人,每項測試均做20次,分析項目包括:受試者對聲音及光亮信號之反作用 時間、動作時間及動作失誤率,並比較男、女生之差異。 所測得之手部反應時間經分析研究的結果如下: 一、光刺激之手部反應時間皆優於聲音刺激。 二、聲音刺激之失誤率高於光刺激之失誤率。 三、男生之光刺激與聲音刺激之手部反應時間皆優於女生。 四、聲音刺激,男生之失誤率高於女生。 |
英文摘要 | Sound and light are different stimulus types for human beings. The simple reaction time of auditory stimulus is faster than visual stimulus about 30-50 ms. The stimulus type would effect the response time and operation error rate, so would do the control switch device and the hand movement direction. In this study the testee receives the signal generated from the different frequencies of sound or different light color and then move his or her hand to operate the control switch at once. The reaction time, movement time and operation error rate are measured during the test. A computer program would be used to generate an auditory or visual signal at computer monitor or loud- speaker. Auditory signals include three different frequencies of pure tone i.e. 250Hz, 1000Hz and 4000Hz. Viual signals include red, yellow and green light colors. The control switches labeled "low", "middle" and "high" to control three auditory signals 250Hz, 1000Hz and 4000Hz; labeled"red", "yellow" and "green" to control three visual signals red, yellow and green. The testee put his or her hand on the start-point switch at the beginning. When the signal appears, the testee�s hand departs from the start-point switch, the period of time is reaction time. After the hand leaves the start-point swith for control switch and operates it, the period of time is movement time. These two period of times can be measured by using computer. The reaction time plus movement time makes response time. The tests of different auditory/visual signals to control switches would be undertaken. To compare the differences between auditory and visual signals to reaction time, movement time and operation error rate. The spatial compatibility between signal and control switch device were analyzed in the study. 25 male and 25 female college students in 18-25 years old were tested in this study. Also the differences among reaction time, movement time and operation error rate were compared. |