題 名 | 淺談李白、杜甫的家庭觀念 |
作 者 | 劉竹青; | 書刊名 | 德育學報 |
卷 期 | 15 1999.10[民88.10] |
頁 次 | 頁12-18 |
分類號 | 782.841 |
關鍵詞 | 李白; 杜甫; 家庭觀念; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 唐代是中國詩歌的黃金時代,而李白、杜甫更是中國詩歌史上的兩大權威。對於 「詩仙」、「詩聖」的作品,歷來各代都有人從事編排、校訂、箋註的工作,尤其對於李白 被稱為「詩仙」,杜甫被稱為「詩聖」之作品風格更是各家樂於探究,潛心修習的。雖然李 白約年長杜甫十一歲,但在唐詩的分期來說,都是屬於盛唐時期 (自開元至大曆年間約西元 713 年至 765 年 ) 的詩人,也就是唐詩的極盛期。無論作者之多,作品之豐及整個唐詩的 發展已到波濤壯闊,沛然難止的巔峰狀態。其間,與其說是時勢造就了無數詩人,毋寧說是 像李白、杜甫等這些出類拔萃的詩才,無論靠天成、苦學,都發揮了至情至性,創造了一個 空前絕後,照耀千古的時代。李白、杜甫雖為忘年之交,且有英雄相惜之情,這可從他們互 贈詩作中得知。但究竟相差十餘年,其間,經歷了太平盛世及安祿山之亂等國勢變遷,於是 孕育二人成長的家庭狀況,時代背景都有莫大的差異,而表現在二人作品風格上的迥異,自 是其來有自。究竟二人隱現在字�埵瘨〞澈銩Q、觀念有何異同﹖眾人頗多好奇,且多所探索 、議論。而二人一為出世思想,一為入世胸懷,究竟對各自親人的感情又是如何﹖這倒是令 我想試著探索的。 |
英文摘要 | Arthur Miller's Death of a Salesman is a simple but imaginative play. For over fifty years, it has been stirring up controversy over its form and its structure. Basically, the form of the play is a modern tragedy, not a classic one, but its structure is quite complicated and interrelated. Just as the title of the play suggests, we know the protagonist, Willy, is going to die. However, the key point is why he chooses to end his life by committing suicide and when he will do it. Definitely the answer lies in the structure of the play. In his Introduction to Collected Polays, Miller points out that the protagonist's death "came from structural image. The play's eye was to revolve from within Willy's head, sweeping endlessly in all directions...." Therefore, in order to explore the inner mind of Willy's death, I would like to take three major dramatic techniques--the treatment of time, the use of the stream of consciousness, and the form of a confession--to explain how the play goes so smoothly and so powerfully. |