題 名 | 詮釋資料在政府資訊之應用--以加拿大政府資訊指引服務為例=Metadata of Government Information--Canadian Government Information Locator Services |
作 者 | 陳瑩芳; | 書刊名 | 中國圖書館學會會報 |
卷 期 | 63 1999.12[民88.12] |
頁 次 | 頁19-43 |
分類號 | 028.857 |
關鍵詞 | 詮釋資料; 政府資訊; 加拿大政府資訊指引服務; Metadata; Government information; Canadian GILS; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 政府資訊係民主社會的基石,因此如何促進政府資訊流通、更利民眾查詢取用成 為政府之重要課題。隨著網路科技發展及政府組織精簡的態勢,政府資訊漸趨分 散化,然而蒐尋引擎與主題指南普遍存有精確率過低的問題,無法提供符合民眾 需求的檢索結果,故需以詮釋資料來描述、組織資訊,以提高檢索及管理的效益。 GILS(Government Information Locator Service)源起於美國,為政府資訊的 詮釋資料之一 。各機關利用GILS描述、組織政府資訊以建構分散式的系統架構, 並透過共同的標準協定,達成互通性。目前已有多個國家應用GILS發展系統,包 括美、加、俄、日、G7等國家。 本文從詮釋資料的角度切入,探討GILS的定義、源起反特色,並舉加拿大政 府資訊指引服務(Canadian GILS)為例,簡介其歷史背景、資訊組織方式與系統 設計等,以分析其內涵與未來發展,期供各界參考。 |
英文摘要 | Government Information is the foundation of modern democracies. As a result, how to disseminate it and make it easy to access and use by the public becomes a very important issue for government agencies. Following the development of new technologies and trend of reinventing government, the production of government information is becoming decentralized. However, search engines and subject directories do not meet public information needs due to their low accuracy. Therefore, using metadata to describe and organize government information becomes the most effective way to manage and improve access to this data. The Government Information Locator Service(GILS) is one metadata for government information that originated from the U.S.A. Government agencies can use GILS to form a decentralized system to describe and organize information, and then direct user to relevant resources by using network technology and international standards. At this point, there are many countries developing GILS initiatives, such as the U.S.A., Canada, Japan, and other G7 countries. This paper presents the definition, the Organization and characteristic of GILS through the point of metadata, and introduces the historical background, the information organization system and the computer system of the Canadian GILS as an example, analyzing its content and further development for public reference. |