題 名 | 罹患慢性病老人服藥遵從行為及其相關因素之探討=An Exploration of the Drug Compliant Behaviors and Associated Factors of Elderly People with Chronic Disease |
作 者 | 劉淑娟; | 書刊名 | 護理研究 |
卷 期 | 7:6 1999.12[民88.12] |
頁 次 | 頁581-593 |
分類號 | 419.76 |
關鍵詞 | 罹患慢性病老人; 服藥遵從行為; 生命態度; 健康信念; 社會支持; The elderly with chronic disease; Drug compliant behavior; Life attitudes; Health beliefs; Social support; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究在瞭解罹患慢性病老人的服藥遵從行為及其相關因素。來自五所綜合醫院 65 歲以上,並經醫師診斷有兩年以上慢性病的老人,共 631 位為研究樣本,透過老人填答 或訪員代填研究者所自行修訂的結構式問卷來收集資料,以相關係數及多元迴歸等進行資料 分析。 結果顯示:( 1 )罹患慢性病老人服藥超過 5 年以上的達 38.4%, 服藥的種類以 1-2 種佔最多,高達 47.7%,每天服藥次數以一次的略多,佔 31.7%,每次服藥顆數以 1-2 顆佔最多,達 46.4%。 ( 2 )罹患慢性病老人“教育程度”“自覺經濟狀況”“生命態度 ”“社會支持”“健康信念”與“服藥遵從行為”呈顯著正相關,“服藥年數”“服藥種類 ”“服藥次數”“服藥顆粒數”與“服藥遵從行為”呈顯著負相關。 ( 3 )“生命態度” “服藥次數”“自覺經濟狀況”“健康信念”“教育程度”“社會支持”可解釋服藥遵從行 為的總變異量為 31.0%。經階層多元迴歸分析,獲得生命態度單項之預測力為 11.7%,健康 信念、社會支持單項則不具顯著預測力。研究建議應及早規劃與安排老年生活,協助老人培 養積極人生意義與目標。加強老人用藥管理,提供老人正確疾病認知,協助家屬發揮照顧老 人功能,改善醫療服務,尊重老人為自己的健康及生活做抉擇,配合老人的教育程度,確保 老人生命財產安全。 |
英文摘要 | The purpose of this study was to explore drug compliant behavior and associated factors in elderly people with chronic disease. People over 65 years old who were outpatients in one of five genral hospitals, who had been suffering from chronic disease for more than two years and were taking medications, were selected as research subjects by convenient sampling. A self-administered questionnaire and SPSS/PC software were the tools used for data collection and data analysis during the research process. The results showed:(1) 38.4% of subjects had been taking medication for over five years; 47.7% took 1-2 kinds of drugs; 31.7% took medication once a day; 46.4% took 1-2 pills each time. (2) there was significantly positive correlation between drug compliant behavior and education, self-perceived economic status, life attitude, social suport, health beliefs; there was significantly negative correlation between drug compliant behavior and years of taking medication, kinds of drugs taken, times per day of taking drugs, number of pills taken each time. (3) Life attitudes, frequency of taking drugs, self-perceived economic status, health beliefs, education and social support explained 31.0% of total variance in subjects' drugs compliant behavior. By hierarchical multiple regression, life attitudes explained 11.7% of total variances in subjects' drug compliant behavior, and health beliefs and social support were not significantly predictive of subjects' drug compliant behavior. It is suggested that planning for old age should begin as early as possible, to help the elderly establish the meaning and purpose of life. Emphasizing the management of drugs, providing recotnigion of disease, and helping caregivers to take care of the elderly were important for elderly people with chronic disease. It is also necessary to promote medical services, respect the health and life decisions of the elderly, consider the education level of the elderly, and ensure the personal safety and financial security for the elderly with chronic disease. |