- Ancillary Use of Complementary Therapies by ESRD Patients Receiving Hemodialysis in Taiwan
- 血液透析病患使用輔助及另類療法的相關性調查
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題 名 | Ancillary Use of Complementary Therapies by ESRD Patients Receiving Hemodialysis in Taiwan=臺灣血液透析患者另類療法使用之研究 |
作 者 | 丘周萍; | 書刊名 | 護理研究 |
卷 期 | 7:5 1999.10[民88.10] |
頁 次 | 頁398-407 |
分類號 | 419.73 |
關鍵詞 | 末期腎病; 另類療法; 血液透析; 邏輯迴歸; End-stage renal disease; Complementary therapy; Hemodialysis; Logistic regression; |
語 文 | 英文(English) |
中文摘要 | 現今臺灣的醫療雖是以西方的「現代生物醫學」體系為主導, 但其他的輔助療法 仍廣為使用。本研究主要是針對末期腎病患者,探討他們在接受正統醫療,即血液透析治療 外,患者對其他輔助療法(中醫或傳統民俗療法)使用的情形。本研究之目的則為探討血液 透析治療患者最常用來解釋他們疾病的原因及其輔助療法的使用。此探討相關性研究為一橫 斷切面式設計,用以決定對血液透析治療患者最常用來解釋他們疾病的原因及其輔助療法的 使用之影響因子。 本研究訪談了 160 位血液透析治療者; 其中有 99 位( 61 %)在接受血液透析治療前曾使用一次或一次以上的輔助療法; 19 位 ( 11.9 %)則是在接受血液透析治療後仍使用一次或一次以上的輔助療法。複邏輯回歸分 析( multiple logistic regression )為主要統計分析法,研究結果發現,病患的身體執 行功能是預測他們對疾病原因的解釋最重要的預測因子。低身體執行功能的患者較傾向於將 他們的疾病歸因於超自然因素。預測患者洗腎前輔助療法之使用的兩個重要預測因子則為年 齡與性別。 女性與中年患者( 45-64 歲)較傾向使用輔助療法。由於多數的病患有使用輔 助療法,建議未來的研究應朝向進一步瞭解輔助療法及其與現代醫學的整合,以確保病患的 安全與健康。 |
英文摘要 | The present medical system in Taiwan is considered to be strongly Western-oriented. However, the continuing use of traditional Chinese treatment exists alongside Western treatment. This study focuses on end-stage renal disease (ESRD) patients and their use of complementary therapies (traditional Chinese treatment of folk remedies) while under continuing conventional medical care (hemodialysis). The aim of the study was to discover how patients explained the cause of their disease and which complementary therapies were employed by them. This exploratory, correlational study utilizes a cross-sectional descriptive design to determine the influencing factors involved in the explanation of the cause of disease and the use of complementary treatment by patients with ESRD undergoing HD in Taiwan. One hundred and sixty patients were interviewed. Ninety-nine of them (61.9%) had previously used one or more forms of complementary therapy before they receivedHD treatment; nineteen patients (11.9%) reported using one or more forms of complementary therapy after the commencement of their HD treatment. Multiple logistic regression analyses were used to assess differences between the groups. The only important predictor of the patients' perspective of the cause of ESRD is physical performance. Patients with lower physical function tend to attibute their disease to supernatural causes. The two most important predictors for patients' complementary therapy use before HD treatment are age and gender, indicating that female and middle-aged patients (45-64) tended to be the higher users. Further research is needed to understand complementary therapies and their integration into conventional medicine in order to ensure patients' safety and health. |