- 呼吸器使用患者實施間歇性管灌對預防胃食道逆流之成效
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- 不可忽視的胃食道逆流疾病
題 名 | 呼吸器使用患者實施間歇性管灌對預防胃食道逆流之成效=The Efficiency of Intermittent Nasol-gastric Feeding in Preventing in Gastroesophagus Reflux Patients with Ventilator Support |
作 者 | 吳麗芬; 馬素華; 郭漢彬; 樓迎統; | 書刊名 | 長庚護理 |
卷 期 | 10:2=26 1999.06[民88.06] |
頁 次 | 頁9-18 |
分類號 | 419.73 |
關鍵詞 | 胃食道逆流; 吸入性肺炎; 鼻胃管灌食; Gastroesophageal reflux; Aspiration pneumonia nasol-gastric feeding; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究欲探討間歇性管灌對呼吸器使用患者預防胃食道逆流之成效;採單盲前後 測交叉試驗法,對象為北部某醫學中心呼吸疾患正接受呼吸器使用合併鼻胃管灌之10位病人 ,隨機分派於兩組;第一組第1日禁食,第2日間歇性管灌,第3日禁食,第4日持續性管灌; 第二組第1日禁食,第2日持續性管灌,第3日禁食,第4日間歇性管灌;第5-18天兩組均採間 歇性管灌。測量工具包括病患基本資料表、24hr。 胃食道酸鹼計(Albyn Medical Nymph),胃食道逆流指標記錄表。資料以描述性統計及多變 項逐步迴歸分析檢定。結果顯示兩組間歇性管灌較持續性管灌後: 1.胃食道逆流得分2.肺吸入指標:痰量、喘鳴分數、痰液嗜中性球數,明顯減少且均達統計 顯著意義3.氣管內管拔除後喘鳴分數,間歇性管灌時較少,然未達統計差異。 研究結果可供臨床及居家護理,預防胃食道逆流和肺吸入措施之依據。 |
英文摘要 | The purpose of this study was to try to ascertain the efficiency of intermittent nasol-gastric feeding (INGF) in preventing in GE-reflux patients with ventilator support. A pre-post test with single blind in cross-over was designed. The 10 subjcts suffered from chest diseases with ventilator support were randomized in two groups. Group 1 proceeded as following: 1st day(D1)NPO,D2 with INGF,D3 NPO,D4 with continuous NG feeding (CNGF);Group 2 proceed as following : D1.NOP,D2 with CNGF,D3 NPO, D4 with INGF.D5-18 all patients recived INGF. Measurement intrustment included: patient basic data, 24h-pH meter and GE-reflux assessment index. The data collected and used descriptive analysis and multiple stepwise regression. Our conclusions were: 1.Patients with intermittent NG feeding had less GE reflux scores than those with continuous NG feeding had less GE reflux scores than those with continuous NG feeding. 2.patients with intermittent NG feeding had better aspiration index scores, such as sputum、neutrophil and wheeze scores. 3.Patients with intermittent NG feeding had less wheeze score when endo tube removed. |