題 名 | 由兒童死亡概念探討圖畫書中死亡成份的呈現=From the Children's Death Concept to Explore the Death Components in Picture Books |
作 者 | 鄧蔭萍; 何佩芬; | 書刊名 | 幼兒教育年刊 |
卷 期 | 11 1999.06[民88.06] |
頁 次 | 頁83-119 |
分類號 | 173.1 |
關鍵詞 | 兒童; 死亡概念; 圖畫書; 死亡成份; Children; Death concept; Picture books; Death components; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 當被標榜無菌、唯美和強調幸福美好的童書,在面對孩子現實生活中無數天災人禍 所造成的死亡衝擊時,或許,童書不再只是單純提供幻想娛樂的功能,也是讓孩子認識真實 世界的橋樑。本專題的研究目的為:1. 探討三到十二歲兒童死亡概念的發展;2. 分析兒童 圖畫書內容中文句的描述, 探討死亡成份的呈現。 透過文獻探討及內容分析法, 調查《 1984-1995 》年全國兒童圖書目錄》中,部份有關死亡主題之中、英文兒童圖畫書。 |
英文摘要 | Death could be a beautiful thing, but it also could be a horrible one. In that all depends on how we think it is. This is why we are very interested in how children think about death and the death components presented in picture books. This research first discusses children's death development for the three-to-twelve-year olds, then analyzes the death concept exhibited in the sampled picture books. Through literature review and content analysis, we have concluded the following findings. Firstly, in chil dren's death concept development, the three-to-five-year-olds believe that death is temporary and reversible; the five-to-nine-year-oldsdo understand that death is permanent and final, but is also avoidable; the death concept of the nine-to-eleven- year-olds is mature. Secondly, the main components of children's death concept are the irreversibility, nonfunctionality, universality, causality, and personification of death. Thirdly, most of the picture books are emphasizing on the inherent effects of death, but the adapted literatures and fairy tales are on the contrary. Few picture books mention about the non-functionality of death, the afterlife world, and the personification of death. Some picture books describe the afterlife world in animated forms, religious ways or imaginative phrases. Death, Satan, De vil, the minister of God, Angel and God are the characters widely used for describing the death-man. Death is usually a result of internal causes found in most books under categories of the causality of death, pets or animals, relatives and friends. However, in the adapted literatures, fairy tales and war literatures, death is caused mostly by man-made accidents. We suggest that grown-ups must use plain words with a warm and honest attitude to discuss death with children. It may also depend on children's realization or their experiences about death to introduce death concept with picture books. |