題 名 | 灌溉水質遭受污染所需稀釋水量評估--以彰化農田水利會灌區為例=Assessment of Dilution Water Quantity for Polluted Irrigation Water--Chung-hwa Irrigation Area as an Example |
作 者 | 張大偉; 俞維昇; 黃振昌; | 書刊名 | 農業工程學報 |
卷 期 | 45:3 1999.09[民88.09] |
頁 次 | 頁69-85 |
分類號 | 445.2596 |
關鍵詞 | 灌溉水質; 電導度; 稀釋水量; Irrigation water quality; Electrical conductivity; Dilution water quantity; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本省灌溉用水水質近年來已遭受嚴重污染,以往僅著重水量即能符合農業生產 要求的時代已經不復存在,如何兼顧灌溉水的水量與水質而滿足農田灌溉的需要, 將是農田水利經營上的重要課題。本研究之目的在以彰化農田水利會計畫與實際用 水量,及灌區所設置水質監測點歷年灌溉水質初驗資料,計算使灌溉用水水質完全 符合灌溉水質標準時,所需要的總稀釋用水量,並考慮時間分布對灌溉水質與水量 所造成之影響,以檢討現今灌溉計畫用水量的合理性。 本研究以彰化農田水利會各監視點歷年水質電導度平均值與標準偏差,判別監 視點水質是否受污染,其判定方法有二 1.寬鬆篩選標準 歷年平均值>750μmho/cm 或 2.嚴格篩選標準 歷年平均值+標準偏差>750μmho/cm 研究結果顯示,若末考慮灌溉水質受時間分布之影響,彰化農田水利會所轄431 個監視點中,以寬鬆篩選標準判定有194個監視點被列為受污染,以嚴格篩選標準 判定時,則有314個監視點遭受污染,兩者分別佔總監視點數的45%與73%。不論 以計畫用水量或實際用水量為計算依據,彰化農田水利會灌區所引用的灌溉水有 46.0%到86.2%的水量是屬於受污染的,其中絕大部份(40.2%到58.2%)是屬於無稀釋 水源的受污染水量,僅有少部份(5.8%到28.0%)可以由符合灌溉水質標準的合格灌溉 水源加以稀釋,共需要4.1億(以實際用水量計算)到9.6億立方公尺(以計畫用水量計 算)的合格水源。若考慮灌溉水質受時間分布之影響,則有45.4%到73.0%的水量是 屬於受污染的,其中有8.0%到17.6%是屬於可以由合格的灌溉水源加以稀釋的,其 餘37.4%到55.5%是屬於無稀釋水源的受污染水量,需要多引用實際用水量30.5% (3.6億立方公尺)或41.7%(4.9億立方公尺)的合格水源加以稀釋之。而為維持合乎灌 溉水質標準的農業灌溉用水量,建議彰化農田水利會應於灌溉計畫中增加約三至六 成的灌溉用水量。 |
英文摘要 | The quality of irrigation water is getting worse and worse in Taiwan. In the past, the quality of irrigation water was not the issue, what we had to worry is the quantity of the irrigation water today. However, it becomes a very important issue that how we can manage both of quality and quantity for irrigation water. The purpose of this study is to estimate how much unpolluted water in Chung-hwa irrigation area is needed for diluting polluted water, to observe what effect on irrigation water quality and quantity between dry and wet season, and to modify annual plan for irrigation requirement. In this study, historic electrical conductivity (EC) databases of irrigation water on each monitoring point (MP) were used to determine whether the MP has been polluted. There are two criteria in this study: 1. Normal level Mean of historic EC> 750 μmho/cm or 2. Strict level Mean of historic + S.D. >750 μmho/cm As the results shown, if seasonal effect is ignored, 45% (194/431) and 73% (314/431) MPs are assigned to be polluted under normal and strict level, respectively. According to the normal and strict level calculation, 46.0% (40.2% non-diluteable and 5.8% diluteable) and 86.2% (58.2% non-diluteable and 28.0% diluteable) of irrigation water are assigned to be polluted, respectively. 4.1 and 9.6 billion m3 unpolluted water are needed for dilution based on actual irrigation and plan requirement calculation, respectively. On the other hand, seasonal effect is considered, 45.4% (37.4% non- diluteable and 8.0% diluteable) and 73.0% (55.5% non-diluteable and 17.6% diluteable) of irrigation water are assigned to be polluted, respectively. 3.6 and 4.9 billion m3 unpolluted water are needed for diluting polluted irrigation water based on actual irrigation and plan requirement calculation, respectively. Therefore, to maintain water quality for irrigation, more 30% to 60% of irrigation requirement should add into the irrigation plan. |