題 名 | 臺南外海海砂資源開發=Marine Sand Development in Offshore Area, Tainan |
作 者 | 駱承利; 連永順; 陳式千; | 書刊名 | 鑛冶 |
卷 期 | 43:1=165 1999.03[民88.03] |
頁 次 | 頁114-117+136 |
分類號 | 441.432 |
關鍵詞 | 臺南外海; 海砂資源開發; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 臺灣地區過去數十年來經濟發展快速,各項民生及公共工程建設不斷增加,砂石 需求也日益殷切。過去的消耗的砂石百分之九十以上係產自河川,由於長期大量採掘,加以 補充源銳減,河川砂石已無法滿足市場所需,多元化的砂石料源供應模式為未來大勢之所趨 。臺灣西部海域的地形平坦,平均水深僅約六十公尺,對於海域砂石的開採來說,具有先天 上的優勢。因此由沉積物的來源及開採的環境條件評估,臺灣西部的海域砂石深具開發潛力 。 工研院能資所自 85 年 7 月開始執行經濟部委辦計畫,進行海砂資源先導型開發計畫, 選定臺南外海為試採區域,並完成試採區海砂資源調查;完成試採區環境背景資料蒐集調查 ,並規劃未來開發中、後的監測計畫;完成海砂試採方式規劃及海砂試採船洽談簽約;完成 除鹽洗選場地規劃設計及部分工程的施工;預計 89 年度能完成 60 萬立方公尺海砂試採除 鹽。希望藉由實際海砂開採一方面累積足夠的科學實證,以作為訂定本土化相關的開發技術 規範的依循,另一方面突顯可能面臨的問題,提供主管單位訂定適切的管理準則的參考,也 經由業者實際參與配合,加速臺灣地區海砂資源開發新興事業的創立。 |
英文摘要 | Due to the rapid growth fo economic development, the demand of sand and gravel in Taiwan is in great need. According to the data provided by the Department of Mines, Ministry of Economic Affairs, the annual demand of sand and gravel is about 100 million m �� during these years, while more than 90% of the need comes from the rivers. Nevertheless, the storage of sand and gravel in river reduces drastically after the non-ceasing exploitation, and will be used up if the demanding rate remains the same. Therefore, more diversified resources of sand and gravel need to be exploited in order to satisfy the long term demand. Since 1996, Energy and Resources Laboratories conducted a pilot plan of marine sand mining supported by the Ministry of Economic Affairs, which will extract 0.6 million m �� of marine sand from the offshore area at Tainan. Nowadays, we have completed the resource investigation and most of the baseline studies including the marine environment and the desalination plant. Also, we plan to monitor the effect of the dredging activity. Through the integration of the power of government, research institute and private industry, we are trying to generate the technical code of marine sand mining and establish the model quarry of marine sand. |