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題 名 | The Influence of Kindling Month and Fraternity Size on Body Weight of Nursing Kits in New Zealand White Rabbit=紐西蘭白兔分娩月份和窩仔數對哺乳仔兔體重之影響 |
作 者 | 李茂盛; 李世昌; 張秀鑾; 吳明哲; | 書刊名 | 中國畜牧學會會誌 |
卷 期 | 28:2 1999.06[民88.06] |
頁 次 | 頁195-201 |
分類號 | 437.68 |
關鍵詞 | 兔; 季節; 生長; Rabbit; Season; Growth; |
語 文 | 英文(English) |
中文摘要 | 本試驗以1990年1月至1997年12月的紐西蘭白兔分娩記錄5217胎,分析比較 母兔分娩月份和窩仔數對哺乳仔兔出生重、三週齡重和存活率的影響。母兔分娩月份為1月, 其仔兔的平均出生重(67.9 g)顯著地較分娩月份為8月的仔兔平均出生重(59.4 g)還重;而三 週齡重則分別為395 g和338 g。在1月和8月出生的仔兔之三週齡存活率分別為89.6%和 83.8%。當把窩仔數依出生時每胎活仔數歸類為小(1~3頭活仔兔)、中(4~8頭活仔兔)和大 (9~17頭活仔兔)三種時,窩仔數小、中和大的仔兔出生重分別為75.6、61.6和53.5 g;三週 齡重分別為473、344和282 g;三週齡存活率分別93.3、87.0和77.0%(P<0.05)。仔兔出生 重、三週齡重和存活率均以窩仔數小的仔兔為最大值。臺灣夏季對紐西蘭白兔的出生重、三 週齡重和存活率均有不利的影響,而來自窩仔數大的仔兔於哺乳期三週後之增重倍數僅有 5.3倍,顯著地低於窩仔數小者(6.4倍)和中者(5.7倍)。 |
英文摘要 | The influence of kindling month and fraternity size on body weights of kits at birth and at the age of 3 weeks and their survival rates were studied. We analyzed the data of 5,217 litters of New Zealand White rabbits recorded from January of 1990 to December of 1997. The average weights of kits born in January were significantly heavier than those born in August (67.9 vs. 59.4 g). Kits born in January and August weighed 395 g and 338 g at 3-week of age, respectively. Survival rates of 3-week old kits born in January and August were 89.6 and 83.8%, respectively. Three fraternity size groups: small (1~3 alive kits), medium (4~8 alive kits) and large (9~17 alive kits) were classified according to the number born alive. The average birth weights of kits in the small, medium and large groups were 75.6, 61.6 and 53.5 g; 3-week of age weights were 473, 344 and 282 g; and survival rate at 3-week of age were 93.3, 87.0 and 77.0%, respectively (P<0.05). Kits in the small group had the heaviest weight at birth and at 3-week of age with a highest survival rate as compared to those in medium and large groups. Results indicated that a summer depression on birth weights of kits and their 3-week weights, and on the survival rates in the summer of Taiwan. From birth to 3-week of age, body weight of nursing kits in the large fraternity size group increased only 5.3 times which was significantly less than that of the small (6.4 times) and medium (5.7 times) groups. |