題 名 | 學齡氣喘兒童氣喘素質因素與自我處理行為之調查及夏令營對其之影響=A Study of Predisposing Factors and Self-management Behaviors of School-Age Children with Asthma and the Impact of Summer Asthma Camp |
作 者 | 蔣立琦; 黃璟隆; 呂昌明; | 書刊名 | 護理研究 |
卷 期 | 7:4 1999.08[民88.08] |
頁 次 | 頁307-320 |
分類號 | 417.534 |
關鍵詞 | 氣喘兒童; 學齡兒童; 氣喘夏令營; 衛生教育; 自我效能; 素質因素; Asthma child; School-age; Summer asthma camp; Health education; Self-efficacy; Predisposing factor; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究主要針對參加中華民國氣喘風濕免疫學會舉辦夏令營中的58位學齡氣喘兒 童,研究目的為:(1)瞭解學齡氣喘兒童的素質因素(氣喘知識、態度、自我效能、健康控 握信念)以及自我處理行為與學校生活適應和自覺身心症狀等各方面情形;(2)以氣喘知識、 態度及自我效能預測自我處理行為;(3)比較氣喘兒童知識、態度與自我效能在參加夏令營 的前後差異。研究結果顯示氣喘學齡兒童的氣喘知識略低(答對六成),具有中度以上的氣 喘態度、以及中度以上的自我效能與自我處理行為。大多數學齡氣喘兒童的健康控握信念是 偏向內控型。學校生活適應困難不多,但是有三分之一的兒童有身心症狀。「家族史」與自 我處理行為中的處理行為有顯著差異(F=4.244, p=0.044),「住家地點」與自我處理行為,尤 其是其中的處理行為有顯著差異(F=6.629, p=0.003; F=13.230, p=0.001)。運用逐步複迴歸分 析,得到標準化的迴歸方程式為:自我處理行為=39.246+0.190氣喘知識+0.371氣喘態度+0.263 氣喘自我效能(F=7.676, p=0.000),上述複迴歸方程式可解釋全部變異量的36%。夏令營對氣 喘學童在知識與自我效能的影響有顯著的差異,p值皆<.001。氣喘態度的改變未達顯著差 異,但是仍有些微的進步。 |
英文摘要 | The purposes of this quantitative study were (1) to understand the predisposing factors (knowledge, attitude, self-efficacy, locus of control), self-management behavior, school life adaptation, and pychosomatic symptoms of 58 school-age asthma children; (2) to predict self- management behaviors by knowledge, attitude and self-efficacy; and (3) to evaluate changes in knowledge, attitude and self-efficacy before and after summer asthma camp. The results indicate that the correct rate of asthma knowledge was 64.7%. Asthma attitude, self-efficacy and self- management behaviors were middle to high level. Most of the child was internal locus of control. School life maladatation was not common. More than one third of children had psychosomatic symptoms. Asthma family history covaried significantly with management behavior in self- management behavior (F-4.244, p=0.044). Family location with self-management behavior (F=4.244, p=0.044). Family location with self-management behavior and management behavior have significant difference (F=6.629, p=0.003; F=13.230, p=0.001).Family location with self- management behavior and management behavior have significant difference (F=6.629, p=0.003; F=13.230, p=0.001). The result of stepwise multiple regression was self-management behavior=39.246+0.190 asthma knowledge+0.371 asthma attitude+0.263 self-efficacy, (R square=.36, F=7.676, p=0.000). Summer asthma camp had an impact on knowledge and self- efficacy (p<0.001), but not on attitude. |