題 名 | 臺灣酸性土壤酸度強度特性之研究(1)--測定法之比較=The Intensity Characteristics of Soil Acidity in Taiwan Acid Soils(1)--Comparision of Measuring Method |
作 者 | 林紫慧; 陳啟烈; 洪崑煌; | 書刊名 | 土壤與環境 |
卷 期 | 2:3 1999.09[民88.09] |
頁 次 | 頁265-280 |
分類號 | 434.22 |
關鍵詞 | 臺灣酸性土壤; 土壤pH值; 石灰位能; 土壤酸度強度; Taiwan acid soil; Soil pH; Lime potential; Intensity of soil acidity; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 土壤pH值是十分重要的土壤性質,且為用途極為廣泛的一個化學指標,但卻是土壤中最難測得精確的化學指標之一。本篇挑選六種臺灣具有代表性之酸性土系,分別為淇武蘭系、龍崗系、坡堵系、平鎮系、淡水系及老埤系為供試土壤,以水、0.01M CaCl2或1 N Cl三種溶液在四種水土比(1:1,2.5:1,5:1,10:1)及水飽和狀態處理16時後,測土壤懸浮系統及土壤溶液之pH值。結果發現懸浮效應之大小為1 M KCl<0.01 M CaCl2<H2O。水土比效 應上,pHw(H2O)隨水土比增加而上升,其幅度隨飽和土壤溶液之離子強度越強而越大;pHk(KCl)亦隨水土比增加而上升,其上升幅度與pHk(1:1)有關,越低則上升幅度越大;但pHca(CaCl2)則受水土比影響較小。懸浮系統中土壤與不同溶液反應下大小順序為pHK<pHca<pHw,而不同處理下pH值互相間皆有極顯著線性相關,可因應需要加以換算之。另外,對酸性土壤而言,其水飽和狀態及以水或0.01M CaCl2在水土比1:1等三種不同處理都可得到相近的石灰位能。故以0.01 M CaCl2為媒介之測定方法,是酸性土壞酸度強度測定的好方法。 |
英文摘要 | The soil pH is not only the most important characteristics of the soil, it is also the most widely used chemical index of soil. However, the soil pH has long been considered as the most difficult index to be determined precisely. Six series of representative acid soils of Taiwan were studied in this article, Chiwulan, Lungkang, Potu, Pinchen, Tansui, and Laopi. The pH values of solutions and sediments were measured in water (pHw), 0.01 M CaCl2 (pHca) or 1 M KCI (pHk) with solution to soil ratios at 1, 2.5, 5, 10 or saturated paste after mixing for 16 hours. Suspension effect was most pronounced in water suspensions, followed by the suspensions in CaCl2 solution and, then KCl solution. The pHw values were found to increase with solution-to-soil ratio, and the difference between pH values of solution-to-soil ratios at 10:1 and saturation paste (dpHw) increases with EC values of saturation pastes. The pHK values were also found to increase with the solution-to-soil ratios, while the dpHK values decrease with the pHK (1:1) values. In this study, the pHca was indifferent to the solution-to-soil ratio. The pH values of all treatments were highly correlated to each other. The values of pHw were higher than pHca and then, PHK. It was also found that the lime potential measured by three different methods were all identical. We conclude that pH value measured in 0.01M CaCl2 solution is a better soil acidity index unaffected by solution-to-soil ratios. |