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題 名 | 以流場觀測探討在不同傾斜及溫差下突擴型封閉空間內懸浮流體之自然對流=Flow Visualization Experiments on Natural Convection of Micropolar Fluid in an Inclined Shallow Enclosure Heated from Below |
作 者 | 溫茂育; | 書刊名 | 正修學報 |
卷 期 | 12 1999.07[民88.07] |
頁 次 | 頁97-106 |
分類號 | 440.137 |
關鍵詞 | 自然對流; 傾斜之突擴型封閉空間; 懸浮流體; 流場觀測; Natural convection; Inclined shallow enclosure; Micropolar fluid; Flow visualization; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 以實驗方法探討突擴型密閉空間內懸浮流體,由不同溫度梯度及不同傾斜面角度下,在穩 定狀態時所引起的自然對流。懸浮流體採用矽油配以鋁粉,以光幕質點觀察法來觀察流場。結果顯 示傾斜面角度與邊壁溫差不同時因流體重力、剪力及浮力之影響而促使流型有極大不同。本研究並 與前人所作相關研究結果甚為吻合。本結果應可提供電子設備冷卻之熱傳設計參考。 |
英文摘要 | An experimental investigation on natural convection of micropolar fluid in an inclined shallow enclosure was carried out using a flow visualization. Silicon oil containing Aluminum powder was used as working fluid for flow visualization. The flow patterns in the enclosure were strongly affected by the gravity, stress and buoyancy of fluid, due to the different inclinations and temperature differences. The results were in good agreement with the corresponding results in the literature. The result might be useful for the thermal design of electronic equipment. |