題 名 | 行政菁英對當前重大政策議題之意見調查=The Administrative Elite's Opinions on Current Policy Issues |
作 者 | 余致力; | 書刊名 | 理論與政策 |
卷 期 | 13:3=51 1999.09[民88.09] |
頁 次 | 頁139-170 |
專 輯 | 經驗調查 |
分類號 | 572.9 |
關鍵詞 | 行政菁英; 政策意見; 意見調查; Administrative elite; Policy opinion; Opinion survey; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 我國過去鮮有以行政菁英為對象進行政策意見調查之研究。行政菁英對公共政策 之制定與執行有深遠的影響,早已是不爭的事實,故行政菁英對其主管政策之意見,吾人自 不能、亦不應等閒視之。此外,行政菁英具備獨有的專業資訊與特殊的思維角度,對一般公 共政策有較高的評估能力,在日常生活政治溝通過程中,往往扮演蓍意見領袖的角色,故其 政策意見有向外擴散的乘數效果,值得注意。職是之故,本研究以行政菁英為對象,針對當 前重大政策議題,進行郵寄問卷調查,其結果應有助於吾人對行政菁英的政策意見有進一步 之瞭解,為當前政策論述與選擇開啟另類考量的空間,更為日後從事公共政策相關理論建構 與實證研究,提供一些基礎資料與研究構想。 |
英文摘要 | The purpose of this study is to survey the administrative elite's policy opinion. The administrative elite's policy opinion is important for two reasons. First, the administrative elite has great influence on policy formulation and implementation, and as such, their opinion on the policies under their domain cannot and should not be ignored. Second, due to the professional information and unique perspective the administrative elite possesses, they serve as opinion leaders in day-to-day political communication, so their opinion has a widespread effect and is worth special attention. Accordingly, this research applied a mail survey method to collect the administrative elite's opinions on current policy issues in Taiwan, R.O.C. The results of this survey should (1) enhance our understanding of the administrative elite's polic opinion, (2) offer alternative information for policy debates and choices, and (3) provide a data base and some research agenda for future empirical studies and/or theory construction in the field of public policy. |