題 名 | 早產兒視網膜病變之發生率及發展過程=The Incidence and Natural Course of Retinopathy of Prematurity |
作 者 | 藍郁文; 吳愛卿; | 書刊名 | 中華民國眼科醫學會雜誌 |
卷 期 | 38:2 1999.06[民88.06] |
頁 次 | 頁231-238 |
分類號 | 416.746 |
關鍵詞 | 早產兒; 視網膜; Retinopathy of prematurity; Chronologic age; Postconceptional age; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究針對342位體重小於1500克或懷孕週期小於36週,繼續於本院追蹤且目前 尚存活的早產兒,追溯其出生時之眼底視網膜檢查結果,以瞭解早產兒視網膜病變的發生 率和臨床發展過程。53.8%有早產兒視網膜病變,11.7%達閥值需接受冷凍治療。160位患 有視網膜病變且追蹤記錄完整的早產兒中,28.8%有plus sign,76.9%會自行消退,23.1% 達閥值需接受冷凍治療,其中83.8%於冷凍治療後不再惡化,早產兒視網膜病變的發生率 及嚴重程度,以體重輕及懷孕週期短者較高。此外首次出現視網膜病變的時刻及視網膜病 變最嚴重的時刻,以出生週數表示,與出生體重和懷孕週期間有反比的關係(P≦0.0001) ,即出生體重越小,懷孕週期越短者,視網膜病變於出生後越晚出現。若以受孕週數表示 ,僅與懷孕週期間有正比的關係(P<0.001)。視網膜病變自行開始消退的時刻,以出生週 數而言,與出生體重和懷孕週期間有反比的關係(P<0.0001),即出生體重越小,懷孕週 期越短者,視網膜病變於出生後越晚開始消退,若以受孕週數而言,則無關係存在。自行 消退所需要的時間與出生體重和懷孕週期間均有反比關係存在(P<O.01)。而自行消退, plus sign和閥值的機率與出生體重和懷孕週期間均有線性關係存在(P<0.05),出生體重 越小和懷孕週期越短者,自行消退的機率越小,plus sign和閥值的機率越大。至於 plus sign和閥值出現的時刻,只有與懷孕週期,以受孕週數而言,有正比關係存在(P< O.05),即懷孕週期越小,plus sign和閥值於受孕後越早出現。整體而言,早產兒視網膜 病變開始於出生後6.3±2,4週,最嚴重的時刻出現在出生後7.9±3.6週,因此於出生後4 -6週開始進行眼底視網膜檢查,為合理的篩檢時刻。 |
英文摘要 | 342 infants, born less than 1500g of weight or 36 weeks of gestational age, regularly followed up in our clinics, were included in this study to understand the incidence and the natural course of the retinopathy of prematurity (ROP). 53.8% of the infants de veloped ROP to some degree. 1 1. 7% of the infants had threshold ROP and received cryotherapy. 160 infants with ROP and complete medical records showed: 28.8% with plus sign, 76.9% with spontaneous regression, 23.1 % with threshold ROF' and cryotherapy and 83.8% of them revealed regression after cryotherapy. The incidence and severity of ROP were higher in lower birth weight and gestational age groups. The chronologic age of the onset of ROP and the time of the most severe ROP revealed inverse correlation with birth body weight (BBW) and gestational age (GA) (P<0.0001), but the postconceptional age of them presented positive correlation with gestational age only (P<0.00 1). The chronologic age of the onset of regression also revealed inverse correlation with BBW and GA (P<0. 0001), but no correlation existed when analyzed by postconceptional age. Besides, there was an inverse correlation between the duration for regression and BBW and GA (P<0.01). It also revealed linear correlation between the incidence of regression, plus sign, threshold ROP and BBW, GA (P< 0.05). As for the time of plus sign and threshold ROP, positive correlation only existecr with GA when analyzed by postconceptional age (P<0.05). Overall, the ROP began on 6.3±2.4 weeks after birth and the most severe ROP developed on 7:9±3.6 weeks after birth.Therefore it is resonable to begin fundus examination 4-6 weeks after birth to prevent blindness from ROP. |