題 名 | 光復後政府劃設原住民保留地的探討--統治者意識型態與現實利益衝突觀點的分析=A Research on Taiwan Government's Land Reservation Policies for the Aborigines--From the Perspective of Conflicts between Rulers' Ideology and Financial Interests |
作 者 | 吳樹欉; | 書刊名 | 人與地 |
卷 期 | 187 1999.07[民88.07] |
頁 次 | 頁24-42 |
分類號 | 554.4 |
關鍵詞 | 政府; 保留地; 統治者; 意識型態; 現實利益; Government; Reserved land; Ruler; Ideology; Financial interest; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本文透過相關史料的蒐集,針對光復後我政府劃設保留地的變化過程分析後發現,我政府雖於光復初期沿襲日據時期的保留地制度專供改善原住民生計之需,惟因管理制度設計不良,造成保留地流失而潛隱目前原/漢對於保留地產權爭議的因素。另者,原住民社會曾於民國77年及78年發動二次還我土地運動,迫使我政府基於政治現實,乃自民國80年起分三年增劃編保留地。惟因增劃編的保留地絕多數屬於區位不佳,且限制開發利用的土地,使得原住民仍感於土地不足且依舊過著窮困的生活。 從本文分析的結果,對於光復後我政府劃設保留地所標舉「改善原住民生計」的「意識型態」(政策理想),無疑是一大諷刺;進而印證統治者唯有在不影響或有利於資源攫取、鞏固政權的前提下,才有將「改善原住民生計」的「意識型態」納入考量及實踐的可能性。 |
英文摘要 | Literature research on the evolution Taiwan's land reservation policies for the aborigines have revealed that the ROC government, after recovered Taiwan from Japanese in 1945, has basically followed the Japanese policy to reserve lands for the aborigines use only. Unfortunately due to lack of thorough planning and regulation, not only the public land is reducing, the land ownership disputes between the aborigines and the non-aborigines have become a prolonged problem. The aborigines have rallied "Land Return Champaign" in 1988 and 1989 respectively. The ROC government responded by allocating more reserved lands for the aborigines starting 1991. However, these newly reserved lands are either far-reaching or prohibited from development. Consequently, the aborigines are still suffering from land shortage and poverty. The findings of this research demonstrated the fact that the government's slogan of "Improving the Quality of Life for the Aborigines" was nothing but a ruler's ideology. The true interests of any government were "Securing the Political Power" and "Capturing the Financial Resources". Any government's policy concerning the aborigines has always yielded to the above two higher agenda before it can be legislated and/or implemented. |